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Discover the Secrets: Learn How to Make Planet in Little Alchemy Today!

How To Make Planet In Little Alchemy

Discover how to make a planet in Little Alchemy with our step-by-step guide. Combine elements and create your own miniature universe!

Are you tired of exploring the same planets in Little Alchemy? Well, why not create your own planet and add some excitement to your game? With a little bit of imagination and creativity, you can make your very own planet in Little Alchemy. So, buckle up and get ready for an intergalactic journey like no other!

First things first, before you start making your planet, you need to understand the basics of Little Alchemy. You start with four basic elements - air, earth, fire and water - and then combine them to create more complex objects. Once you have a few objects, you can combine them to make even more complex ones. It's a bit like chemistry, but without all the explosions.

The first step in making your planet is to create the basic elements that you will need. Start by combining air and earth to make dust, and then combine dust with fire to make lava. Finally, combine water with lava to make stone. Congratulations, you've just created the building blocks of your planet!

Now it's time to get creative. What kind of planet do you want to make? A green and lush planet with lots of plants and animals? A barren wasteland with volcanoes and craters? Or maybe a frozen tundra with towering ice mountains? The choice is yours.

Let's say you want to make a green and lush planet. Start by combining earth with plant to make grass, and then combine grass with water to make a swamp. Next, combine swamp with energy to make life, and then combine life with air to make bird. Finally, combine bird with sky to make a cloud. Voila! You've just made a beautiful, living planet.

But what about the inhabitants of your planet? No planet is complete without some form of life. You can create all kinds of creatures in Little Alchemy, from the mundane to the fantastical. Combine life with water to make fish, and then combine fish with bird to make penguin. Or combine life with stone to make a human, and then combine human with tool to make a hunter.

Of course, no planet is perfect. You might want to add some challenges or obstacles for your creatures to overcome. Combine fire with air to make energy, and then combine energy with metal to make electricity. Use electricity to create lightning, storms and even robots to make your planet more interesting.

Creating your own planet in Little Alchemy is a fun and creative way to explore the game. With so many possibilities, you can let your imagination run wild and create a planet that is truly unique. So, get started and see where your intergalactic journey takes you!


Welcome to the world of Little Alchemy where you can combine different elements to create new ones. In this game, you can create everything from a simple tree to complex creatures and even planets. Speaking of planets, have you ever wondered how to make one in Little Alchemy? Well, you're in luck because we're about to show you how. But be warned, creating a planet isn't easy, so buckle up and prepare for an adventure.

Gather Your Elements

Before we start creating a planet, we need to gather the necessary elements. In Little Alchemy, there are four basic elements - air, earth, fire, and water. To create a planet, we'll need a combination of these elements. So, let's get started by combining air and earth to create dust.

Combining Air and Earth

To create dust, simply drag and drop air and earth onto the workspace. Once you do that, you'll see a cloud of dust appear. Congratulations, you've just created the first element in making a planet.

Creating Land

Now that we have dust, let's use it to create land. To do this, we need to combine dust with fire. This combination will create magma, which we can then use to create land.

Combining Dust and Fire

Drag and drop dust and fire onto the workspace to create magma. You'll see a volcano erupt, which will create land. Congratulations, you've just created a new element.

Forming the Planet

Now that we have land, it's time to create the planet. To do this, we need to combine land with water. This combination will create a continent, which we can then use to form the planet.

Combining Land and Water

Drag and drop land and water onto the workspace to create a continent. You'll see a landmass appear, which is the first step in forming the planet.

Adding Atmosphere

Now that we have a continent, it's time to add atmosphere. To do this, we need to combine air with the continent.

Combining Air and Continent

Drag and drop air onto the continent to create atmosphere. You'll see clouds form around the continent, which means we've successfully created an atmosphere.

Creating Life

No planet is complete without life. To create life, we need to combine the continent with water.

Combining Continent and Water

Drag and drop water onto the continent to create life. You'll see trees and bushes appear on the landmass, which means we've successfully created life.

Adding More Life

To add more life to the planet, we need to combine life with air.

Combining Life and Air

Drag and drop air onto the life to create birds. You'll see birds fly around the trees and bushes, which means we've successfully added more life to the planet.

Creating Humans

Now that we have birds, it's time to create humans. To do this, we need to combine life with clay.

Combining Life and Clay

Drag and drop clay onto the life to create humans. You'll see tiny people appear on the landmass, which means we've successfully created humans.

Building Civilization

Now that we have humans, it's time to build civilization. To do this, we need to combine humans with tools.

Combining Humans and Tools

Drag and drop tools onto the humans to create a house. You'll see a small house appear on the landmass, which means we've successfully built civilization.

Creating Space

Finally, to create space, we need to combine planet with rocket.

Combining Planet and Rocket

Drag and drop rocket onto the planet to create space. You'll see a rocket launch into space, which means we've successfully created space.


Congratulations, you've successfully created a planet in Little Alchemy. It may have taken some time, but it was well worth it. Now that you know how to create a planet, you can start experimenting with other elements and create even more complex elements. Happy creating!How To Make A Planet In Little Alchemy: A Guide For Aspiring CreatorsWelcome, fellow aspiring planet creators! Making a planet in Little Alchemy is no small feat, but fear not - with a little bit of humor and a lot of determination, you can achieve greatness. Let's dive into the steps needed to create your own planetary masterpiece.

Batteries Not Included

The first step to making a planet in Little Alchemy is to get your energy source ready. Unfortunately, the game doesn't come with a Duracell pack, so you'll have to supply your own. Whether it's a strong cup of coffee or a power nap, make sure you're energized and ready to take on the universe.

Astrology 101

Once you've got power, it's time to get scholarly! Studying astronomy will help you understand the composition of planets and what elements you need to create them. Plus, you can impress your friends with your newfound celestial knowledge. Who needs a PhD in astrophysics when you have Little Alchemy?

Playing God

Creating a planet requires a god complex, so you'll need to channel your inner Zeus and get your creator mindset going. Just be sure not to smite anyone in the process. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility.

Elementary, My Dear Watson

Chemistry comes into play when making a planet, and we're not talking basic stuff like baking soda and vinegar volcanoes. You'll need a deep understanding of the periodic table to succeed. Don't worry if you slept through high school chemistry - Google is your friend.

Never Skip Leg Day

Building a planet requires a lot of heavy lifting, both physically and mentally. So, make sure you've got the muscles and brainpower to handle it. Don't skip leg day at the gym and don't skip that crossword puzzle in the morning paper.

The Power of Imagination

It may sound cheesy, but imagination is the key to success in Little Alchemy. You'll need to be creative and think outside the box to make the perfect planet. Who says a planet can't have a rainbow-colored atmosphere or be made entirely of pizza?

Take a Breath

Making a planet can be stressful and time-consuming, so make sure to take breaks when needed. Oxygen is important to survival - both in-game and IRL. Step away from the screen and take a deep breath of fresh air. Your lungs (and your planet) will thank you.

Trial and Error

Nobody gets it perfect on the first try! Don't be afraid to experiment with different combinations and see what works best. A little trial and error goes a long way. Just don't get too carried away - we don't want any planetary explosions on our hands.

Stay Positive

Stay optimistic and remember that making a planet in Little Alchemy is supposed to be fun! If you get frustrated, take a deep breath and come back to it later. Positive vibes attract positive elements.

Celebrate Your Success

When you've finally made your perfect planet, it's time to celebrate! Break out the virtual champagne and pat yourself on the back for a job well done. You've created something truly out-of-this-world (literally). In conclusion, making a planet in Little Alchemy requires a combination of knowledge, imagination, and perseverance. But with these tips and tricks, you'll be well on your way to creating the ultimate cosmic masterpiece. So go forth, fellow creators, and let your planetary dreams take flight.

Creating a Planet in Little Alchemy: A Humorous Guide

The Background

Little Alchemy is a popular game where you can create items by combining two or more different elements. The game has over 560 elements to discover, including planets! In this guide, I will show you how to make your very own planet using Little Alchemy.

The Ingredients

Before we start creating the planet, let's take a look at the elements we need:

  • Earth
  • Fire
  • Water
  • Air

Yes, you read that right. We need all four basic elements to create a planet. Don't worry, we won't be traveling to outer space to collect them. All the elements we need are already available in the game.

The Process

Now that we have our ingredients ready, let's start creating our planet:

  1. Mix Earth and Fire to create Lava.
  2. Add Water to Lava to create Stone.
  3. Mix Stone with Air to create Sand.
  4. Add Fire to Sand to create Glass.
  5. Mix Glass with Water to create Lens.
  6. Mix Lens with Earth to create Telescope.
  7. Mix Telescope with Air to create Sky.
  8. Add Stone to Sky to create Moon.
  9. Mix Moon with Earth to create Planet!

And there you have it, your very own planet! You can now brag to your friends and family that you're a master of Little Alchemy and a creator of planets.

The Conclusion

Creating a planet in Little Alchemy may seem like a daunting task, but with the right ingredients and a bit of imagination, you can create anything you want. So, go ahead and experiment with different combinations of elements. Who knows, you might even discover something new?

Happy mixing!

Thanks for Stopping By!

Well, well, well, look who decided to stop by! You must be intrigued by the title of this article, huh? Don't worry; you're at the right place if you want to know how to make a planet in Little Alchemy. But before we dive deep into the recipe, let's talk about why we need a planet.

Firstly, it's always good to have a spare planet lying around in case we mess up our current one. Secondly, it's an excellent way to impress your friends and family with your science skills. And lastly, who doesn't love creating something from scratch?

Now, let's get to the recipe. Making a planet in Little Alchemy is not rocket science (pun intended). All you need to do is follow the steps below, and voila, you'll have your very own planet!

Firstly, you need to combine two elements: earth and fire. This combination will give you lava.

Secondly, mix air and water to create rain.

Thirdly, combine lava and rain to get obsidian.

Fourthly, mix earth and obsidian to create stone.

Fifthly, combine air and stone to get sand.

Sixthly, mix fire and sand to create glass.

Seventhly, combine air and glass to get a telescope.

Eighthly, mix telescope and space to create a satellite.

Ninthly, combine satellite and planet to get the desired result- a planet!

And there you have it, folks! Your very own planet in Little Alchemy. Now, don't go running off with your creation just yet. There are a few things you need to keep in mind.

Firstly, be careful not to drop your planet; it's fragile. Secondly, don't go around telling people you created an actual planet. We don't want to start any conspiracy theories now, do we? And lastly, remember always to have fun while creating new things.

So, there you have it, folks! That's how you make a planet in Little Alchemy. We hope you found this article informative and entertaining. Don't forget to share your creations with us in the comments below. Until next time, happy creating!

People Also Ask: How To Make Planet In Little Alchemy

Can you make a planet in Little Alchemy?

Yes, you can make a planet in Little Alchemy. It's one of the most exciting elements to create in the game, and it requires a specific combination of elements to achieve.

What elements do I need to make a planet in Little Alchemy?

To make a planet in Little Alchemy, you will need to combine two primary elements: Earth and Space. Once you have these two elements, you can combine them to create a planet.

The steps to make a planet in Little Alchemy are as follows:

  1. Create Earth by combining Water and Land.
  2. Create Space by combining Void and Time.
  3. Combine Earth and Space to make a Planet.

Is making a planet in Little Alchemy difficult?

Making a planet in Little Alchemy is not particularly difficult, but it does require some patience and strategy. It's all about combining the right elements in the correct order to create new elements. If you follow the steps above, you should be able to create a planet without too much trouble.

Why would I want to make a planet in Little Alchemy?

Well, why wouldn't you want to make a planet in Little Alchemy? It's a fun and challenging element to create, and it adds an extra level of excitement to the game. Plus, it's just cool to say that you've made a planet from scratch!

In conclusion:

So there you have it - the steps to make a planet in Little Alchemy. It's not rocket science, but it does require some creative thinking and a little bit of luck. So go on, give it a try, and see if you can make your very own planet!

And if all else fails, just remember - there's always the cheat sheet!