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Master The Art Of Networking: Learn How To Block Someone On LinkedIn

How To Block Someone On Linkedin

Learn how to block someone on LinkedIn in just a few easy steps and take control of your professional network. Protect your privacy and peace of mind today.

Are you tired of seeing that one person's face pop up on your LinkedIn feed every day? Do you dread opening your inbox to find yet another message from them, asking for a favor or trying to sell you something you don't need? Well, fear not my friend, because today I am going to teach you the ultimate power move: how to block someone on LinkedIn.

First and foremost, let's address the elephant in the room - blocking someone may seem harsh or even rude, but sometimes it's necessary for your own sanity. After all, LinkedIn is a professional platform, and if someone is constantly bombarding you with irrelevant content or spamming your inbox, they are not respecting the boundaries of the platform or your personal space.

Now, onto the nitty-gritty of actually blocking someone. The process is quite simple, really. All you have to do is go to their profile, click on the three dots next to their profile picture, and select block or report.

But wait, before you hit that block button, let's talk about some things to consider. Have you tried talking to this person and setting some boundaries? Have you considered simply unfollowing them or muting their notifications? Blocking should always be a last resort, but if you've exhausted all other options and they still won't leave you alone, then it's time to take action.

Another thing to keep in mind is that blocking someone on LinkedIn is not a permanent solution. You can always unblock them later if you feel that the situation has been resolved or if you've had a change of heart. However, it's important to note that when you block someone, they will not be notified of it, so don't expect an apology or a chance to reconcile.

Now, let's talk about some specific situations where blocking might be necessary. For example, if someone is constantly sending you messages asking for a job or a referral, and they are not someone you know well or feel comfortable vouching for, it's perfectly fine to block them. You don't owe anyone anything on LinkedIn, and you should only connect with people who add value to your network.

Another situation where blocking might be necessary is if someone is harassing you or making inappropriate comments on your posts or messages. This is not only unprofessional, but it's also unacceptable behavior that should not be tolerated. Block them immediately and report any abusive behavior to LinkedIn.

On a lighter note, let's talk about some humorous ways to let someone know that you're about to block them. You could send them a message saying I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of me blocking you, or I'd love to chat, but I have an appointment with the block button. Okay, maybe those aren't the most professional responses, but sometimes a little humor can go a long way in diffusing a tense situation.

In conclusion, blocking someone on LinkedIn should always be a last resort, but it's a useful tool to have in your arsenal when dealing with unwanted contacts. Remember to consider all your options and don't be afraid to set boundaries and protect your personal space. And if all else fails, just hit that block button and move on with your life - you'll thank yourself later.

How to Block Someone on LinkedIn: A Humorous Guide

LinkedIn is a fantastic platform for professionals to connect with each other. However, sometimes unwanted connections occur, and you might want to block someone. Blocking is a delicate matter that requires tact, precision, and a good sense of humour. In this article, we'll give you a step-by-step guide on how to block someone on LinkedIn while keeping a smile on your face.

Step 1: Take a deep breath

Before we dive into the technicalities of blocking someone, take a moment to breathe. You're about to cut off a connection that might have been valuable in the past. Maybe it's time to reflect on why you want to block them in the first place. Did they post something offensive? Did they spam you with messages? Or did they just annoy you with their constant updates?

Step 2: Find the person you want to block

Once you've made up your mind, it's time to find the person you want to block. This can be done by going to their profile and clicking on the three dots next to their name. A menu will appear, and one of the options will be 'Report/Block.' Click on that option, and you'll be taken to a new page where you'll have to select the reason for blocking the person. Be honest, but try not to be too harsh.

Step 3: Consider your options

Blocking someone is a big decision, and there are other options you might want to consider before taking this step. For example, you could simply unfollow the person or mute their notifications. If the person is harassing you, you could report them to LinkedIn. Only if none of these options work should you consider blocking them.

Step 4: Block the person

If you've decided to go ahead with blocking, click on the 'Block' button. LinkedIn will ask you to confirm your decision, and once you do, the person will be removed from your connections, and they won't be able to see your profile or contact you in any way. You'll also be removed from their connections, so they won't be able to see your updates or posts either.

Step 5: Celebrate!

You've done it! You've successfully blocked someone on LinkedIn. Take a moment to celebrate this small victory. Maybe treat yourself to a cup of coffee or a piece of cake. You deserve it!

Step 6: Reflect on your actions

After celebrating, take a moment to reflect on your actions. Did you make the right decision? Could you have handled the situation differently? It's essential to learn from our experiences, even the negative ones.

Step 7: Move on

Once you've reflected on your actions, it's time to move on. Don't dwell on the past, and don't let this one negative experience taint your view of LinkedIn. Remember that there are thousands of professionals out there who could be valuable connections.

Step 8: Be kind

As you move forward, remember to be kind to others. Just because you blocked someone doesn't mean you should treat them poorly if you eventually run into them again. Being polite and respectful is always the best approach.

Step 9: Don't be afraid to block again

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to block someone again, don't be afraid to do so. Remember that you have the power to control your connections on LinkedIn, and if someone is not adding value to your network, it's okay to remove them.

Step 10: Keep networking

Finally, keep networking! LinkedIn is an excellent platform for professionals to connect with each other, and there are countless opportunities out there. Don't let one negative experience discourage you from making valuable connections.

In conclusion, blocking someone on LinkedIn is a delicate matter that requires tact and a good sense of humour. By following these ten steps, you can successfully block someone while keeping a smile on your face. Remember to reflect on your actions, be kind to others, and keep networking!

Blocking on LinkedIn: The Ultimate Power Move

Are you tired of receiving cringe-worthy DMs from that one annoying connection on LinkedIn? Do you dread attending networking events because you know you'll run into that guy who always talks too much? Well, fear not! Blocking on LinkedIn is the ultimate power move, and it's time to give yourself permission to say peace out, annoying connection.

Say Goodbye to Those Cringe-worthy DMs

We've all received those awkward direct messages from connections we barely know. They usually start with a generic greeting and end with an even more generic pitch. But now, with the click of a button, you can kiss those cringe-worthy DMs goodbye. Simply go to the annoying connection's profile, click on the three dots next to their name, and select block. Voila! No more unsolicited sales pitches or creepy compliments.

No More Awkward Networking Events with That Guy

There's always that one person at networking events who just won't leave you alone. They talk your ear off about their latest business venture, and you're left wondering how you can politely excuse yourself. Well, now you don't have to worry about it anymore. By blocking them on LinkedIn, you can avoid any future awkward encounters. And if they do happen to show up at the same event as you, just give them a polite wave from across the room and keep on walking.

Put an End to Unwanted Endorsements

We all want to be endorsed for our skills on LinkedIn, but sometimes it can get out of hand. Maybe you've never even worked with the person who keeps endorsing you, or maybe they're endorsing you for skills you don't even have. Whatever the case may be, it's time to put an end to it. By blocking them, you'll no longer have to deal with those unwanted endorsements cluttering up your profile.

Giving Yourself Permission to Say No to That Weirdly Persistent Recruiter

We all know that one recruiter who just won't take no for an answer. They keep sending you job opportunities even though you've already told them you're not interested. But now, with the power of blocking, you can finally give yourself permission to say no. No more awkward conversations or guilt-tripping emails. Just block them and move on with your day.

Bye, Felicia: Blocking Your Ex-coworker

We've all had that one ex-coworker who just won't let go. They keep messaging you about inside jokes from the office or inviting you to happy hour even though you haven't worked together in years. It's time to say goodbye to that chapter of your life. Block them on LinkedIn and move on to bigger and better things.

Finally, a Way to Avoid That Creepy Profile Stalker

We've all had that one person who keeps viewing our profile but never actually engages with us. It's creepy and uncomfortable, but now you can do something about it. By blocking them, you'll no longer have to wonder who's lurking on your profile. Plus, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that they can no longer see what you're up to.

How to Make Sure Your LinkedIn Feed is Filled with Only Quality Content (aka No More Spam)

One of the most annoying things about LinkedIn is the amount of spam that fills up your feed. But fear not! By blocking those spammy connections, you can ensure that your feed is filled with only quality content. No more clickbait articles or irrelevant posts. Just the stuff that actually matters to you.

The Best Thing You'll Do All Day: Block That Obnoxious Influencer

We all have that one influencer on our LinkedIn who thinks they're hot stuff. They post self-promoting content all day long and never actually engage with their audience. It's time to take them down a notch. By blocking them, you'll no longer have to see their obnoxious posts every time you log in. Plus, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that they can no longer influence you.

In conclusion, blocking on LinkedIn is the ultimate power move. It's time to take control of your connections and ensure that your LinkedIn experience is a positive one. So go ahead, block that annoying connection, recruiter, or influencer. Your sanity (and your feed) will thank you.

How To Block Someone On LinkedIn: A Humorous Guide


LinkedIn is a platform for professionals to connect, network and build their careers. However, sometimes you may come across someone who is not worth having in your network. That's where blocking comes in handy. In this guide, we'll show you how to block someone on LinkedIn in a humorous way.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Identify the Person You Want to Block

First things first, identify the person you want to block. It could be a spammy connection request, an annoying sales pitch or just a creepy ex-colleague. Whatever the reason, make sure you know who you want to block.

Step 2: Go to their Profile

Once you have identified the person, go to their profile. Click on their name or search for them using the search bar. This will take you to their profile page.

Step 3: Click on the More Button

On their profile page, look for the More button located below their profile picture. Click on it and a drop-down menu will appear.

Step 4: Select Report/Block

In the drop-down menu, select Report/Block. This will take you to a new page where you can choose what action you want to take.

Step 5: Choose Block

On the new page, select Block and confirm your choice. This will remove the person from your network and prevent them from seeing your profile or contacting you on LinkedIn.


Blocking someone on LinkedIn is a simple process that can save you from unwanted connections and spam messages. Use this guide with a pinch of humor to make the process more enjoyable. Remember, your network is your net worth, so choose wisely.


  • LinkedIn
  • Block
  • Profile
  • More
  • Report

Well, that's all folks!

Thank you for visiting my blog and learning how to block someone on LinkedIn. I hope you found this article informative and helpful. Remember, blocking someone on LinkedIn is not a decision to be taken lightly but sometimes it's necessary in order to protect your online reputation and personal space.

If you've ever been stalked by a creepy ex or had someone harass you on LinkedIn, then you know how important it is to take action. Blocking someone on LinkedIn is a simple and effective way to regain control of your online presence.

However, before you hit that block button, make sure you've exhausted all other options like reporting the user to LinkedIn's support team or talking to them directly. Communication is key and sometimes a simple conversation can clear up any misunderstandings.

But if all else fails, don't hesitate to block someone. It's better to be safe than sorry. And let's face it, there are just some people out there who are not worth your time or energy.

Now, I know what you're thinking. But blocking someone on LinkedIn is so serious and boring. Can't we have some fun with this?

Well, I'm glad you asked. Here are some humorous ways to block someone on LinkedIn:

1. Send them a message saying I'm sorry, I can't connect with you anymore. My boss said I have to focus on my work and stop wasting time on LinkedIn. So, bye Felicia!

2. Create a fake profile of a recruiter and send them a message saying Thank you for your interest in our company. Unfortunately, we don't hire people who harass others on LinkedIn. Good luck with your job search.

3. Send them a message saying I'm sorry, I can't connect with you anymore. My psychic told me that you're bad news and I should avoid you at all costs.

4. Create a meme of someone holding up a sign that says Blocked! and send it to them.

5. Send them a message saying I'm sorry, I can't connect with you anymore. My cat said she doesn't like your profile picture and she's never wrong.

Okay, okay, I know these are not exactly professional ways to block someone on LinkedIn but sometimes a little humor can go a long way. Just make sure you don't offend anyone or cross any boundaries.

So, there you have it. Blocking someone on LinkedIn may seem daunting at first but it's really not that hard. Just follow the steps outlined in this article and you'll be on your way to a safer and happier online experience.

Thank you again for visiting my blog and until next time, happy networking!

How To Block Someone On LinkedIn: Answering People's Funny Questions

Why do I need to block someone on LinkedIn?

Well, there are a few reasons why you might want to block someone on LinkedIn. Maybe they keep sending you annoying messages or spamming your inbox with irrelevant content. Or maybe they're just plain creepy and you don't want them to have access to your profile. Whatever the reason, blocking someone on LinkedIn is a quick and easy way to remove them from your network.

How do I know if I should block someone on LinkedIn?

If you're asking this question, chances are you already have a good reason to block someone on LinkedIn. Maybe they're constantly posting inappropriate content, or maybe they're just not someone you want to be associated with professionally. If you're not sure whether you should block someone, trust your gut. If something feels off, it's probably a sign that it's time to cut ties.

What happens when I block someone on LinkedIn?

When you block someone on LinkedIn, they won't be able to see your profile, send you messages, or connect with you. They'll also be removed from your list of connections. It's basically like hitting the delete button on a toxic relationship, but without all the drama.

How do I block someone on LinkedIn?

Blocking someone on LinkedIn is super easy. Here's how to do it:

  1. Navigate to the person's profile that you want to block.
  2. Click on the three dots next to their profile picture.
  3. Select Report/Block.
  4. Choose the reason you want to block them (e.g. This person is harassing me).
  5. Hit Continue.
  6. Confirm that you want to block the person.
  7. And voila! They're gone from your network for good.

Can I unblock someone on LinkedIn?

Yes, you can. If you ever change your mind about blocking someone on LinkedIn, you can unblock them by going to your settings and selecting Blocked users. From there, you can click Unblock next to the person's name and they'll be added back to your network. Just make sure you have a good reason for doing so, or you might find yourself back in the same situation all over again.

Is it rude to block someone on LinkedIn?

No, it's not rude. LinkedIn is a professional platform, and you have every right to control who has access to your profile and who you interact with. It's not like you're blocking someone on Facebook or Instagram where there might be more personal connections involved. So don't feel guilty about hitting that block button if you need to.

Can someone tell if I've blocked them on LinkedIn?

Nope! When you block someone on LinkedIn, they won't be notified that you've done so. They'll just notice that they can no longer access your profile or send you messages. So you can block away without worrying about hurting anyone's feelings.

So there you have it, folks. Blocking someone on LinkedIn is a simple and effective way to remove unwanted connections from your network. And if anyone gives you grief about it, just remember: it's not you, it's them.