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Discover the Trick: How to Make Wheel in Little Alchemy - A Comprehensive Guide

How To Make Wheel In Little Alchemy

Learn how to create a wheel in Little Alchemy with our step-by-step guide. Combine elements and discover the secret to creating this essential invention!

So, you want to know how to make a wheel in Little Alchemy? Well, buckle up and get ready for a bumpy ride because this is one recipe that requires a bit of creativity and ingenuity. But fear not, dear reader, for I am here to guide you through the process step-by-step with my own unique blend of humor and wit.

First things first, let's talk ingredients. To make a wheel, you will need two elements: metal and wood. Now, you might be thinking, But wait, isn't there already a recipe for wood and metal in Little Alchemy? And you would be correct. However, we're not just looking to make any old wooden wheel here. No, no, no. We want a fancy, high-tech, state-of-the-art wheel that would make even the most seasoned Little Alchemy player green with envy.

So, how do we achieve this lofty goal? It's all about mixing and matching, my friend. For starters, try combining metal and tree to create a chainsaw. Then, take that chainsaw and mix it with wood to create a wooden axe. Next, combine that wooden axe with metal to make a saw. And finally, mix that saw with wood to create the ultimate ingredient for our wheel: a wooden gear.

Now, I know what you're thinking. A wooden gear? That doesn't sound very durable or sturdy. And normally, you would be right. But remember, this is Little Alchemy we're talking about here. Anything is possible. So trust me when I say that this wooden gear is going to be the cornerstone of our amazing wheel.

But we're not done yet. Oh no, we're just getting started. The next step is to take that wooden gear and combine it with metal to create a cogwheel. And then, mix that cogwheel with metal again to make a gear. Finally, combine that gear with metal one more time to create the pièce de résistance: a shiny, brand new wheel.

Now, I know what you're thinking. That sounds like a lot of work just to make a wheel. And you're not wrong. But trust me, it's worth it. Not only will you have the satisfaction of knowing that you created something truly unique and special, but you'll also have a new element to play around with in Little Alchemy.

And who knows? Maybe this newfound knowledge will inspire you to come up with even more creative recipes and combinations. The possibilities are endless in Little Alchemy, and that's what makes it such a fun and addictive game.

So there you have it, folks. A step-by-step guide on how to make a wheel in Little Alchemy. I hope you found this article informative and entertaining, and I wish you the best of luck in all your Little Alchemy endeavors. Happy mixing!


Welcome to the magical world of Little Alchemy. Here, you can create a plethora of elements by combining different materials. From fire and water to unicorns and dragons, the possibilities are endless. However, some elements are tougher to create than others, and one such element is a wheel. But fear not, as we have got you covered. In this article, we will guide you on how to make a wheel in Little Alchemy.

Gather Materials

Before you start making a wheel, you need to gather the required materials. These materials are stone and wood. You can create a stone by combining air and lava, while a wood can be created by combining tree and tool. Once you have these materials, you can move on to the next step.

Combining Stone and Wood

Now that you have the materials, it's time to combine them. To make a wheel, you need to mix stone and wood. The combination will create a cart, which is a precursor to the wheel.

Adding Metal

To turn a cart into a wheel, you need to add metal. You can create metal by combining fire and stone. Once you have metal, add it to the cart, and voila! You have a wheel.

Alternative Method

If you don't want to go through the hassle of creating a cart and adding metal to it, there's an alternative method. You can create a bicycle by combining a wheel with a metal.

Creating A Bicycle

To create a bicycle, you need to mix a wheel with a metal. As we have discussed earlier, you can create a wheel by combining stone and wood, and metal by combining fire and stone. Once you have these materials, mix them together, and you will have a bicycle.

Using A Bicycle

Now that you have created a bicycle, you can use it to explore the magical world of Little Alchemy. A bicycle will help you move around faster, and you can discover new elements and combinations quicker.

Other Transportation Methods

Besides a bicycle, there are other transportation methods available in Little Alchemy. You can create a car by combining a wheel with a metal, or a plane by combining a bird with metal. The possibilities are endless.


One of the best things about Little Alchemy is experimentation. Don't be afraid to mix and match different materials to create new elements. You never know what you might discover.


In conclusion, making a wheel in Little Alchemy is easy. You just need to gather the required materials, combine them, and voila! You have a wheel. Alternatively, you can create a bicycle by mixing a wheel with metal. Little Alchemy is a magical world where the possibilities are endless, so don't be afraid to experiment and discover new elements.

Rolling in Laughter: How to Make a Wheel in Little Alchemy

Spin it to Win it: Little Alchemy's Guide to Crafting a Wheel

Are you tired of going round in circles trying to make a wheel in Little Alchemy? Fear not, my friends, for I have the foolproof recipe for you! First, let's gather our ingredients. You'll need metal and wood - sounds like we're building a pirate ship, but bear with me.

Going Round in Circles: A Foolproof Recipe for Making a Wheel in Little Alchemy

Take your metal and combine it with fire to make a metal rod. Don't get too excited, we're not done yet. Take that metal rod and combine it with wood to make a handle. Now, we're getting somewhere!

Wheel-y Easy: The Hilarious Path to Crafting a Wheel in Little Alchemy

Next, take that handle and combine it with stone to make a tool. You're probably thinking, what does a tool have to do with a wheel? Just trust me on this one. Combine that tool with more wood and BAM - you've got yourself a wheel!

The Circle of Life: How to Create a Wheel in Little Alchemy (with a Comedic Twist)

Now, I know what you're thinking - that's it? That was so easy! Well, my friends, that's because making a wheel in Little Alchemy is wheel-y easy! See what I did there?

Don't Get Bent Out of Shape: Making a Wheel in Little Alchemy is a Cinch!

But wait, there's more! If you want to add a little flair to your wheel, combine it with a car to make a car wheel. Who knew making a car wheel was as easy as combining two wheels together?

Rev Your Engines: Little Alchemy's Side-Splitting Guide to Creating a Wheel

So there you have it, folks - the hilarious path to crafting a wheel in Little Alchemy. Don't get bent out of shape trying to figure it out, because it's a cinch! Put the lol in Little Alchemy with these tips and tricks and get your roll on.

Get Your Roll On: A Humorous Take on Making a Wheel in Little Alchemy

So spin me right round, baby, right round and create your very own wheel in Little Alchemy. Keep your friends laughing with this comedic twist on making a wheel and show off your newfound crafting skills. Happy wheel-making, my friends!

How To Make Wheel In Little Alchemy

The Story of Crafting a Wheel in Little Alchemy

Once upon a time, there was a little alchemist who loved to create new things. One day, he wanted to make a wheel, but he didn't know how to do it. So, he decided to ask his alchemy friend for help.

Hey, buddy! Can you teach me how to make a wheel? asked the little alchemist.

Sure thing! Making a wheel is easy-peasy! replied the friend with a chuckle.

The friend took out his alchemy book and flipped through the pages. Ah, here it is! To make a wheel, you need two elements: metal and wood.

Okay, I got it, said the little alchemist. But how can I combine them to make a wheel?

Well, that's the tricky part, said the friend. You have to use your alchemy skills to mix them together.

The little alchemist nodded and concentrated hard. He put a piece of metal and a piece of wood into his cauldron and started to stir. Suddenly, a bright light appeared, and a wheel popped out of the cauldron!

Wow, I did it! exclaimed the little alchemist. Thanks for your help, my friend.

Point of View in Humorous Voice and Tone

Making a wheel in Little Alchemy is as simple as pie! All you need are two elements, and voila! You'll have a wheel in no time. But don't be fooled by its simplicity; mixing metal and wood requires some serious alchemy skills. So, if you're feeling adventurous, give it a try!

Table Information

Here's a table that summarizes the steps to make a wheel in Little Alchemy:

  1. Open Little Alchemy game on your device.
  2. Drag and drop metal and wood into the cauldron.
  3. Stir the mixture by clicking on the cauldron.
  4. Wait for the bright light to appear.
  5. Once the light fades, you'll have a wheel!

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your alchemy book and start creating! Who knows what other wonders you might discover?

Farewell, Fellow Alchemists!

Well, well, well. It seems like we've finally reached the end of our journey together. We've spent hours upon hours trying to concoct potions and create new elements in Little Alchemy. And finally, we arrived at the question that brought us here today: how to make a wheel in Little Alchemy?

It's been a wild ride, but we did it. We managed to find the solution to this riddle, and now it's time to say goodbye. But before we do, let's take a moment to reflect on the journey we've had.

First things first, let's start with the basics. Little Alchemy is a game where you combine different elements to create new ones. The game starts with the four basic elements: earth, fire, water, and air. From there, you can combine them to create all sorts of different things, from animals to buildings to entire planets.

But the question on everyone's mind was always how to make a wheel in Little Alchemy. It's not an easy task, but it's definitely possible. So, without further ado, let's dive into the solution.

The first step is to combine earth and fire. This will give you lava, which is a key component in creating the wheel. After that, combine air and water to create rain, which will help cool down the lava.

Now, here's where things get a little tricky. You need to combine lava and air to create stone, and then combine stone and rain to create sand. Next, combine sand and fire to create glass.

Finally, the moment we've all been waiting for. Combine glass and metal to create the wheel. Voila! You've done it. You've created a wheel in Little Alchemy.

But let's be real, the real fun wasn't just finding the answer to this question. It was the journey we took together to get here. We tried all sorts of combinations, some that worked and some that didn't. But each failure brought us one step closer to the solution.

We learned a lot about ourselves and about alchemy along the way. We learned that sometimes you just need to take a break and come back later with fresh eyes. We learned that sometimes the most unexpected combinations can lead to the most incredible results.

And most importantly, we learned that sometimes the journey is even more important than the destination. So, as we say goodbye, let's remember the laughs we shared, the frustrations we overcame, and the memories we created together.

Thank you for joining me on this adventure. Keep experimenting, keep discovering, and most importantly, keep having fun. And who knows, maybe one day we'll cross paths again in the world of Little Alchemy.

Until then, farewell, fellow alchemists!

People Also Ask: How To Make Wheel In Little Alchemy

Question 1: What are the basic elements to make a wheel in Little Alchemy?

To make a wheel in Little Alchemy, you need two basic elements that are widely available. These elements are:

  • Metal
  • Wood

Question 2: What is the process of making a wheel in Little Alchemy?

The process of making a wheel in Little Alchemy is not as easy as it seems. You need to follow a specific sequence of steps to create the wheel. Here are the steps you can follow:

  1. Combine metal and wood to create a tool.
  2. Combine two tools to create a wheel.

Question 3: Why is it challenging to make a wheel in Little Alchemy?

Making a wheel in Little Alchemy can be challenging because you need to think creatively to combine the basic elements and come up with a new result. It's not just about combining metal and wood; it's about finding the right combination to create a tool and then using that tool to create a wheel.


Making a wheel in Little Alchemy may seem like a daunting task, but with the right combination of basic elements, you can create anything you desire. So, put on your thinking cap, experiment with different combinations, and have fun creating your wheel!