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Discover the Ultimate Guide on Breeding Deedge: Tips and Tricks for Successful Reproduction!

How To Breed Deedge

Learn how to breed the musical Deedge monster in My Singing Monsters game with our easy-to-follow guide. Start creating your own unique melodies!

So you're looking to add a Deedge to your monster collection, eh? Well, you've come to the right place! Breeding these harmonious creatures can be quite the challenge, but fear not, dear reader. With a little patience and a lot of luck, you'll be singing along with your new Deedge in no time.

First things first, let's talk about the basics. Deedges are a hybrid monster, meaning they can only be bred by combining two specific types of monsters. In this case, those monsters are the Tweedle and the Thumpies. Now, don't get too excited just yet - just because you have those two monsters doesn't mean it's a guarantee that you'll get a Deedge.

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of breeding, let's take a moment to appreciate these unique creatures. With their four vocal cords and ability to harmonize with almost anything, Deedges are truly one-of-a-kind. Plus, have you seen those adorable little ear tufts? Too cute.

Now, back to breeding. The key to successfully breeding a Deedge is to have patience. It may take multiple tries before you get one, so don't get discouraged if it doesn't happen right away. You also need to make sure your monsters are at a high enough level - preferably at least level 4 - to increase your chances of success.

When breeding your Tweedle and Thumpies, it's important to pay attention to their elements. Deedges are a Cold and Earth hybrid, so you'll want to make sure your Tweedle and Thumpies both have at least one of those elements. Once you've found the right combination of monsters, it's time to start breeding!

As with any breeding in My Singing Monsters, there's no guaranteed outcome. You could end up with another Tweedle or Thumpies, or you could get lucky and hatch a Deedge. If you're feeling particularly daring, you can try speeding up the breeding process with diamonds, but be warned - it's not always worth it.

Assuming you've successfully bred your Deedge, it's time to start singing! Deedges can harmonize with almost any other monster, so experiment with different combinations to find the perfect sound. And don't forget to give your Deedge plenty of love and attention - they thrive on positive vibes.

In conclusion, breeding a Deedge may not be easy, but it's definitely worth the effort. These unique monsters bring a special kind of harmony to your island, and their cute little ear tufts are sure to make you smile. So go forth, dear reader, and breed your heart out. Who knows, you may just end up with a rare Deedge!


Are you tired of trying to breed a Deedge in My Singing Monsters? Do you feel like you've tried everything and still can't get the elusive creature? Well, fear not my friend, because I'm here to help. In this article, I will be taking a humorous approach to teach you how to breed a Deedge.

What is a Deedge?

For those who are not familiar with My Singing Monsters, a Deedge is a musical monster that looks like a cross between a deer and a hedge. It has a unique sound and is highly sought after by players. Breeding a Deedge can be a challenge, but with the right strategy, it's definitely achievable.

Know Your Elements

Before attempting to breed a Deedge, it's important to understand the elements involved. A Deedge can be bred using a combination of Cold and Air elements. Make sure you have monsters with these elements in your breeding structure before attempting to breed a Deedge.

The Right Combination

When it comes to breeding a Deedge, there are a few different combinations that can work. However, the most effective combination is a Congle and a Bowgart. The Congle brings the Cold element, while the Bowgart brings the Air element. This combination has the highest success rate for breeding a Deedge.

Patient is Key

Breeding a Deedge can take time and patience. Don't get discouraged if you don't get one on your first try. Keep trying and eventually, you will breed a Deedge. It's important to note that there is no guaranteed way to breed a Deedge, so keep trying until you succeed.

Upgrade Your Breeding Structure

Upgrading your breeding structure can increase your chances of breeding a Deedge. The higher the level of your breeding structure, the higher the chance of breeding a rare monster like a Deedge. So, if you're struggling to breed a Deedge, consider upgrading your breeding structure.

Treat Your Monsters Well

It's important to take care of your monsters in My Singing Monsters. Treat them well by feeding them regularly and placing decorations in their habitats. Happy monsters are more likely to produce offspring, so make sure your monsters are happy and healthy before attempting to breed a Deedge.

Don't Give Up

Breeding a Deedge can be frustrating, but don't give up. Keep trying and eventually, you will breed one. Remember, it's all about patience and persistence. The feeling of finally getting that elusive Deedge is worth all the effort.

Breed During Special Events

During special events in My Singing Monsters, there are often increased chances of breeding rare monsters like the Deedge. Keep an eye out for these events and take advantage of them to increase your chances of breeding a Deedge.

Use Diamonds

If all else fails, you can use diamonds to speed up the breeding process or even buy a Deedge outright from the market. However, this can be expensive, so use this option as a last resort.


Breeding a Deedge in My Singing Monsters can be a challenge, but with the right strategy, it's definitely achievable. Remember to be patient, treat your monsters well, and keep trying. Don't give up, and eventually, you will breed that elusive Deedge. Happy breeding!

How to Breed Deedge: A Humorous Guide

Are you ready to become a Deedge parent? Breeding these little harmonizing creatures can be a daunting task, but fear not! With our humorous guide, you'll be on your way to raising your very own Deedge family.

Step One: Find Two Deedges Who Really Dig Each Other

Let's face it, no one wants to breed with just anyone. You need to find two Deedges who have a certain melody that just harmonizes perfectly. So put on some Marvin Gaye and let these lovebirds find each other. Trust us, it's worth the effort.

Step Two: Wine and Dine Your Deedges

If you want to get lucky, you need to put in some effort. Take your Deedges out to dinner, buy them some chocolates, serenade them with a beautiful symphony. Show them that you care and they'll be more likely to care back. Plus, who doesn't love a good meal?

Step Three: Set the Mood

It's all about the atmosphere, baby. Put some candles on, dim the lights, play some smooth jazz. Make it a romantic, sensual experience for your Deedges. They'll appreciate the effort and it'll increase the chances of success. Plus, who doesn't love a little mood lighting?

Step Four: Give Your Deedges Some Space

Don't be a helicopter parent. Give your Deedges some privacy and let them do their thang. You don't want to be the third wheel in this love affair. Plus, who likes being hovered over?

Step Five: Encourage Communication Between Your Deedges

Communication is key in any relationship, and Deedges are no exception. Make sure they're on the same page and communicating effectively. Who knows, they might even come up with some cool harmonies together. Plus, who doesn't love a good conversation?

Step Six: Get Some Barry White on the DigiBox

You can never have enough love songs. Play some Barry White on the DigiBox and let the love flow. Trust us, it'll be a game changer. Plus, who doesn't love a good love ballad?

Step Seven: Offer Some Champagne

A little liquid courage never hurt anyone. Offer your Deedges some champagne and watch the magic happen. Just don't get too carried away, you don't want any drunken mistakes. Plus, who doesn't love a good glass of bubbly?

Step Eight: Be Patient

Breeding Deedges can take time. Don't rush the process, let nature take its course. And if it doesn't happen right away, don't get discouraged. There are plenty of other Deedges in the sea. Plus, who doesn't love a good waiting game?

Step Nine: Celebrate the Arrival of Your New Deedge

Congratulations, you're officially a Deedge parent! Celebrate the arrival of your new baby by throwing a party. Invite all your Deedge friends over and sing some happy tunes. Plus, who doesn't love a good party?

Step Ten: Keep the Love Alive

Don't let the romance die just because you've successfully bred some Deedges. Keep the love alive by continuing to wine and dine your Deedges, communicating effectively, and setting the mood. Who knows, you might even end up with some more little Deedge babies. Plus, who doesn't love a good love story?

So there you have it, our humorous guide to breeding Deedges. With these tips, you'll be on your way to raising your very own Deedge family in no time. Just remember, it's all about the love.

How To Breed Deedge: A Humorous Guide

The Background of Deedge

Deedge is a musical monster that has a body shape similar to a large, blue gummy bear. It is one of the few quad-element monsters, making it a challenge to breed.

Step 1: Get Your Breeding Structure Ready

You can’t breed Deedge if you don’t have the right breeding structure. You need to have the “Quad Element” breeding structure to give you the best chance at breeding a Deedge. If you don't have it, don't even try. You'll just be setting yourself up for disappointment and frustration.

Step 2: Choose Your Monsters Wisely

Deedge is a quad-element monster, which means it requires four different elements to be bred. You need to choose your monsters wisely to increase your chances of success.

  • Thumpies and Tweedles - these monsters have two of the four elements required to breed a Deedge.
  • Oaktapus and Noggin - these monsters have three of the four elements needed to breed a Deedge.
  • Pixolotl and Jeeode - these monsters have all four elements required to breed a Deedge, but they're rare to come by.

Step 3: Start Breeding!

Once you have your breeding structure and your chosen monsters, it's time to start breeding! Keep in mind that breeding takes time, so don't get discouraged if you don't get a Deedge on your first try.

  1. Breed Thumpies and Tweedles together to get a monster with two of the four elements needed to breed a Deedge.
  2. Breed Oaktapus and Noggin together to get a monster with three of the four elements required to breed a Deedge.
  3. If you're lucky enough to have a Pixolotl or Jeeode, breed them with any other monster to get a Deedge.

Step 4: Wait Patiently

Once you've successfully bred the right combination of monsters, it's time to wait. Deedge has a breeding time of 36 hours, so be patient and don't get too excited until you see the egg hatching.

Step 5: Enjoy Your New Deedge!

Congratulations! You've successfully bred a Deedge! Now you can enjoy its unique musical talents and add it to your collection of monsters.

Remember, breeding Deedge is not an easy task, but with patience and determination, you can do it!

Thanks for Stopping By!

Hey there, fellow Monster Handlers! I hope you've enjoyed learning about how to breed Deedge. It's been a blast sharing my tips and tricks with you, and I hope you've found them helpful in your own breeding adventures.

Before we part ways, I wanted to leave you with a few final thoughts on the subject. First and foremost, remember that breeding is all about patience and persistence. Just because you don't get the result you want right away doesn't mean you should give up.

Instead, try mixing things up a bit. Maybe switch up the order of your breeding pairs, or try breeding during different times of day. You never know what might make a difference.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that breeding is always going to be a bit of a gamble. There's no guaranteed way to get the monster you want every time, so it's important to enjoy the process and not get too hung up on the outcome.

That being said, it can be incredibly satisfying when you finally do get that elusive Deedge egg. So don't give up hope – keep trying and eventually you'll get there!

One final tip before I sign off: make sure you're taking good care of your monsters throughout the breeding process. Keep their happiness levels high by feeding them regularly and giving them plenty of attention.

By doing so, you'll increase your chances of success and create a happier, healthier monster in the process. Plus, it's just the right thing to do!

So there you have it – my top tips for breeding Deedge. I hope you've had as much fun reading this article as I did writing it. And who knows – maybe by following these tips, you'll be the proud owner of a brand new Deedge before you know it!

Until next time, happy breeding!

How to Breed Deedge - People Also Ask

What is a Deedge?

A Deedge is a cute and musical creature in the game My Singing Monsters. It has a unique sound that resembles a mix of bass guitar and drums.

How do I breed a Deedge?

Breeding a Deedge requires two specific monsters to be placed in the breeding structure. The combination is made up of a mammal-like monster called Mammott and a rock-like monster known as Bowgart.

Can I breed a Deedge using any other monsters?

No, you cannot. Breeding two different monsters will result in a different creature altogether. You must use a Mammott and a Bowgart to breed a Deedge.

Is there a specific level requirement for breeding Deedge?

No, there isn't. As long as you have both Mammott and Bowgart in your game and they are both ready to breed, you can attempt to breed a Deedge at any level.

How long does it take to breed a Deedge?

The breeding process takes around 12 hours to complete. Once the breeding period is over, you will need to wait an additional 1 hour for the egg to hatch.

What are the chances of breeding a Deedge?

The chances of breeding a Deedge are approximately 20%. This means that it may take a few attempts before you successfully breed one.

Can I speed up the breeding process?

Yes, you can. By spending gems, you can speed up the breeding process and instantly hatch the egg. However, using gems is not necessary and purely optional.

What habitat does a Deedge require?

A Deedge requires a special habitat called the Composer Island to reside in. This habitat can be purchased from the market using coins or gems.

Can I sell my Deedge?

Yes, you can sell your Deedge for coins. However, it is not recommended as Deedges are rare and valuable creatures that can contribute to your overall game progress.

So, if you want to breed a legendary Deedge, make sure to follow these steps and have fun with the process. Remember, patience is key, and don't forget to enjoy the music of your new creature!