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Unleash Your Inner Alchemist: Learn How to Make Lizard in Little Alchemy with Simple Steps

How To Make Lizard In Little Alchemy

Discover the secret formula to create a Lizard in Little Alchemy! Follow our step-by-step guide and enjoy this fun game.

Are you tired of making the same old elements in Little Alchemy? Want to spice things up by creating something unique? Look no further, because today we are going to teach you how to make a lizard in Little Alchemy!

First things first, you will need to have some basic elements already unlocked. These include water, fire, earth, and air. Once you have those, it's time to get started on your lizard creation.

To begin, combine earth and fire to create lava. This may seem like an odd step, but trust us, it's necessary for the next part. Next, mix air and lava to create stone. Now we're getting somewhere!

Take your newly created stone and combine it with air to make sand. We're almost there, so don't give up now! Combine sand with water to create a beach. Yes, a beach. We know it sounds crazy, but just go with it.

Now comes the crucial part. Take your beach and combine it with lizard. Wait, what? That's right, you heard us correctly. Combine a beach and a lizard to finally create your very own Little Alchemy lizard.

If you followed these steps correctly, you should now have a cute little lizard staring back at you from your screen. Congratulations, you've just created one of the more unique elements in Little Alchemy!

But why stop at just a regular lizard? Let's take things up a notch and create a dragon. To do this, you'll need to combine your lizard with either fire or air. If you choose fire, you'll get a fire lizard. If you choose air, you'll get a flying lizard. Both are pretty cool, but if we're being honest, who doesn't want a flying dragon?

Now that you know how to make a lizard and even a dragon in Little Alchemy, the possibilities are endless. Who knows what other unique elements you can create with just a little bit of imagination and experimentation?

So go forth, fellow Little Alchemy enthusiasts, and let your creativity run wild. Who knows, the next element you discover could be even more amazing than a lizard or dragon.

Just remember to have fun, and don't be afraid to think outside of the box. After all, that's what makes Little Alchemy such a fun and addicting game to play!


Little Alchemy is a perfect game for people who love puzzles. It's an exciting game that allows you to create different objects from the basic elements. You can make anything from a tree to a dragon, and even a lizard! In this article, we'll teach you how to make a lizard in Little Alchemy. But wait, we won't just give you the answer straight away. We'll make it fun and entertaining for you!

Step 1: Know The Elements

Before we start, let's talk about the essential elements in Little Alchemy. There are four basic elements in the game: air, earth, fire, and water. You can combine these elements to create new ones, such as steam, dust, and lava. To make a lizard, you'll need to know the other elements that go into it.

Step 2: Create A Reptile

The first step in making a lizard is to create a reptile. To create a reptile, you'll need to combine a swamp and a worm. This combination will give you a snake, which is a type of reptile. Congratulations! You've created a snake! But wait, we're not done yet.

Step 3: Add Some Legs

Now that you have a snake, it's time to give it some legs. To do this, you'll need to combine a snake with a wild animal. This combination will give you a lizard. Wow, you did it! You've officially made a lizard in Little Alchemy.

Alternative Step 3: The Scientific Method

If you're more of a science person, then this alternative method might be more up your alley. Did you know that lizards are cold-blooded animals? To make a lizard, you'll need to combine a snake with a cold element. This can be anything from snow to ice. Congratulations, you've made a cold-blooded lizard!

Step 4: Give Your Lizard A Personality

Now that you've made a lizard, it's time to give it some personality. Little Alchemy is all about creating and exploring, so why not give your lizard a unique trait? You can add anything from a hat to a mustache. Get creative and have fun!

Step 5: Make More Lizards

Why stop at one lizard when you can make more? Little Alchemy allows you to create endless possibilities, so why not make a whole family of lizards? You can even give each lizard a different personality or trait.

Step 6: Share Your Creation

Now that you've made a lizard, it's time to share it with the world. Little Alchemy has a sharing feature that allows you to share your creations with friends and family. You can even post your lizard on social media to show off your creativity.

Step 7: Explore Other Combinations

Now that you've made a lizard, it's time to explore other combinations. Little Alchemy has over 500 elements to discover, so why not try making something new? You can make anything from a unicorn to a spaceship.

Step 8: Experiment With Different Elements

If you're feeling adventurous, try experimenting with different elements. Little Alchemy allows you to combine any element with another, so why not see what happens when you mix fire with water? You might just discover a new element.

Step 9: Don't Give Up

Little Alchemy is a game that requires patience and persistence. Don't give up if you can't figure out a combination right away. Keep exploring and experimenting, and eventually, you'll discover something new.


In conclusion, making a lizard in Little Alchemy is fun and easy. With a little bit of creativity and experimentation, you can create endless possibilities. So what are you waiting for? Get started and see what amazing things you can create.

How to Make Lizard in Little Alchemy

Part science experiment, part magic trick, this tutorial will teach you how to create a lizard in the popular game Little Alchemy. Be prepared to get your reptilian on!

Don't worry, no actual lizards will be harmed in the making of this. It's all about mixing elements and seeing what happens. No need to have a degree in herpetology for this one. All you need is a little bit of patience and a lot of imagination.

Step 1: Start with the Basics

To make a lizard, you will need to start with the most basic element in the game - air, water, earth, and fire. These are the building blocks for everything else. So, let's start by combining air and water to create rain.

Step 2: Add Some Earth

Now that you have rain, it's time to add some earth to the mix. Combine rain with earth to create mud. This is where things start to get interesting.

Step 3: Bring in the Fire

To create a lizard, you will need to introduce fire into the equation. Combine mud with fire to create bricks. This might seem like a strange step, but trust us, it's all part of the process.

Step 4: Get Ready to Impress Your Friends

Now comes the fun part - combining bricks with other elements to create a lizard. Combine bricks with sand to create a desert. Then, combine desert with lizard to finally create your very own virtual lizard.Who needs a pet lizard when you can make your own? This is the cost-effective way to have a pet lizard, minus the feeding and cleaning. Get ready to impress your friends with your lizard-creating skills.

Step 5: Warning - May Induce the Urge to Hiss

Creating a lizard in Little Alchemy is a lot of fun, but be warned - it may induce the urge to hiss. Once you have your virtual lizard, you might find yourself wanting to act like a reptile yourself. Don't worry, it's all part of the fun.

Step 6: For Those Who Prefer Their Lizards in a Virtual Form

For those who prefer their lizards in a virtual form, this tutorial is perfect for you. You don't need to worry about feeding or cleaning up after your new pet. It's all about the creation process.

Step 7: Do Not Attempt to Make a Real-Life Godzilla with This Recipe

Finally, a word of warning - do not attempt to make a real-life Godzilla with this recipe. It might seem tempting to try and create a monster lizard, but it's not worth the risk. Stick to creating virtual lizards and leave the real-life creatures to the experts.So, there you have it - how to make a lizard in Little Alchemy. It's a fun and easy way to explore the world of science and magic. Get started today and let your imagination run wild!

How to Make Lizard in Little Alchemy

The Quest for the Elusive Lizard

Are you tired of trying to make every possible combination of elements in Little Alchemy just to get that one elusive creature – the lizard? Fear not, my friend, for I have discovered the secret to creating this scaly reptile.

The Ingredients

To make a lizard in Little Alchemy, you will need the following elements:

  1. Egg
  2. Stone
  3. Swamp

Yes, it may seem strange that an egg, a stone, and a swamp can create a lizard, but such is the magic of Little Alchemy.

The Process

Now that we have our ingredients, let's begin the experiment. Follow these steps carefully:

  1. Drag the egg element onto the workspace.
  2. Add the stone element to the egg.
  3. Finally, add the swamp element to the concoction.
  4. Voila! You have created a lizard.

The Humorous Twist

But wait, there's more! If you're feeling particularly adventurous, try mixing the lizard with other elements to see what kind of creations you can come up with. Who knows, you might just discover the secret to making a dragon or a unicorn.

In conclusion, creating a lizard in Little Alchemy may seem like a daunting task, but with the right ingredients and a little bit of magic, anything is possible. So go forth, my fellow alchemists, and create your own scaly creatures to rule the world of Little Alchemy.


  • Little Alchemy
  • Lizard
  • Ingredients
  • Elements
  • Egg
  • Stone
  • Swamp
  • Magic

Farewell, Fellow Alchemists!

Well, well, well. Here we are at the end of our little alchemy journey! I hope you've had as much fun as I have exploring all the magical combinations and unlocking all the secrets of this wondrous game. And now, my dear visitors, it's time for us to tackle one last challenge together: creating a lizard in Little Alchemy!

First things first, let's take a moment to appreciate lizards. They're fascinating creatures, with their scaly skin, long tails, and quirky personalities. The world would be a duller place without them, don't you think?

But enough about that, let's get down to business. Creating a lizard in Little Alchemy is no easy feat, but fear not! I'm here to guide you through it step by step.

The first thing you'll need to do is combine two elements: swamp and energy. This will create life, which is the key ingredient for making any living creature in Little Alchemy. Now, you might be wondering why we need to use swamp instead of the more obvious choice of water or earth. Well, my dear friends, it's because lizards are cold-blooded creatures that thrive in damp environments. Clever, right?

Next up, we need to combine life with stone. This will give us an egg, which is the precursor to any animal. Now, if you're anything like me, you might be feeling a bit uneasy about taking part in this strange and slightly unethical process of creating life. But fear not! It's just a game, after all. And besides, we're creating a lizard, not a Frankenstein monster.

Once we have our egg, we need to wait patiently for it to hatch. This might take a while, so feel free to take a break and grab a snack or two. Maybe even watch a lizard video on YouTube to get you in the mood.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, our egg will hatch into a lizard! And there you have it, folks. You've successfully created a lizard in Little Alchemy. Congratulations!

Now, before we say our goodbyes, I'd like to leave you with a few parting words of wisdom. Firstly, always follow your curiosity and never stop exploring. There's always something new to discover, whether it's in a game or in real life. Secondly, don't take yourself too seriously. Life is short, and laughter is the best medicine. And lastly, always be kind to lizards. They might be small and scaly, but they're just as important as any other creature on this earth.

So, my dear alchemists, it's time for me to bid you farewell. I hope this guide has been helpful to you, and that you'll continue to enjoy playing Little Alchemy for many years to come. Who knows what other magical creatures you might create in the future?

Until next time, keep creating, keep exploring, and keep being awesome.

How To Make Lizard In Little Alchemy: The Fun Way

What is Little Alchemy?

Little Alchemy is a game where you combine elements to create new ones. You start with four basic elements, earth, air, fire, and water, and continue to create more complex ones.

Can you really make a lizard in Little Alchemy?

Yes, you can! It may seem impossible, but with a little creativity and a lot of trial and error, you can make a lizard in Little Alchemy.

So, how do you make a lizard in Little Alchemy?

Here are the steps:

  1. Mix swamp and caviar to create alligator.
  2. Mix alligator and sky to create flying dragon.
  3. Mix flying dragon and earth to create lizard.

It may seem complicated, but trust us, it's worth it. Who wouldn't want a cute little lizard in their collection?

What if I don't have the elements?

Don't worry, there are over 500 different elements in Little Alchemy, so there are many other combinations you can try. And if all else fails, just keep experimenting until you find what you're looking for. That's the beauty of Little Alchemy.

Any tips for making a lizard in Little Alchemy?

  • Be patient. Creating a lizard may take some time and experimentation.
  • Think outside the box. Sometimes, the most unexpected combinations can lead to the best results.
  • Have fun! Little Alchemy is all about creativity and imagination, so don't take it too seriously.

So go forth, my fellow Little Alchemists, and create your very own lizard. And who knows, maybe you'll even discover some other cool elements along the way.