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A Beginner's Guide on How to Pronounce the Word What Correctly

How To Pronounce What

Learn how to pronounce what correctly with our helpful guide. Say it like a native speaker and avoid common pronunciation mistakes.

So, you want to know how to pronounce what? Seems like a simple enough word, right? But let me tell you, there are countless ways people have butchered this three-letter word and caused confusion and embarrassment. Fear not, my dear reader, for I am here to guide you through the proper pronunciation of what with a touch of humor and wit.

First and foremost, let's start with the basics. The correct way to pronounce what is with a short a sound and a hard t at the end. It's not wut or whut or even wah. No, no, no. It's watt. Think of it like the unit of measurement for electricity, but with a w in front.

Now, I know what you're thinking. But wait, what about when people say 'wut' as a slang term? Ah, yes, the infamous slang pronunciation. While it may be acceptable in certain social circles or situations, it's important to remember that it's not the proper way to pronounce the word. Plus, using slang too often can make you come across as uneducated or unprofessional.

Let's move on to some common mistakes people make when pronouncing what. One of the biggest culprits is adding an unnecessary r sound at the end, making it sound like war. This is especially common among those with a Boston or New York accent. So, if you find yourself saying whart or wharr, it's time to practice that hard t.

Another mistake is not enunciating the h sound at the beginning of the word. This can make it sound like what and at are interchangeable, leading to confusion and misunderstandings. So, make sure to give that h some love and pronounce it like a champ.

Now, let's talk about some fun ways to spice up your pronunciation of what. One option is to add a bit of emphasis to the t at the end, making it sound more like whaaaat. This can be useful when expressing disbelief or confusion, such as when someone tells you a shocking piece of news.

Another option is to draw out the a sound, making it sound like waaaaht. This can add a touch of playfulness or sarcasm to your tone, depending on the context. Just be careful not to overdo it and come across as annoying or obnoxious.

So, there you have it, folks. A comprehensive guide on how to properly pronounce what. Remember to stick with the short a sound and hard t, enunciate that h, and avoid common mistakes. And if you want to have a little fun with it, go ahead and add some emphasis or draw out the sound. Just be sure to use your newfound knowledge wisely, and never underestimate the power of proper pronunciation.


What is a simple word with only four letters, but its pronunciation can sometimes be tricky. Whether you are a native English speaker or not, pronouncing What correctly can be challenging. Some people end up saying it in a way that makes them sound like they have a speech impediment. In this article, we will explore how to pronounce What in a way that will make you sound like a natural English speaker.

The W Sound

The first step in pronouncing What correctly is to master the W sound. The W sound is a labial consonant sound, which means that it is produced using the lips. To make the W sound, round your lips and bring them together as if you were going to whistle. Then, push air out of your mouth while keeping your lips rounded. Practice this sound until you can produce it correctly.

Common Mistakes with the W Sound

Some people make the mistake of pronouncing the W sound as a V sound. This is common among non-native English speakers who may not have the W sound in their language. To avoid this mistake, make sure that your lips are fully rounded when making the sound.

The H Sound

The second step in pronouncing What correctly is to master the H sound. The H sound is a voiceless glottal fricative sound, which means that it is produced by forcing air through a narrow opening in the vocal cords. To make the H sound, open your mouth and breathe out while narrowing the space between your vocal cords. You should feel a slight vibration in your throat when you make this sound.

Common Mistakes with the H Sound

Some people make the mistake of pronouncing the H sound as a J sound. This is common among non-native English speakers who may not have the H sound in their language. To avoid this mistake, make sure that you are not using your tongue to make the sound.

The UH Sound

The third step in pronouncing What correctly is to master the UH sound. The UH sound is a short, unstressed vowel sound that is pronounced with the mouth relaxed and slightly open. To make the UH sound, relax your mouth and allow your tongue to rest on the bottom of your mouth. Then, push air out of your mouth while keeping your lips relaxed.

Common Mistakes with the UH Sound

Some people make the mistake of pronouncing the UH sound as an OO sound. This is common among non-native English speakers who may not have the UH sound in their language. To avoid this mistake, make sure that your mouth is relaxed and slightly open when making the sound.

Putting It All Together

Now that you have mastered the individual sounds, it's time to put them together to pronounce What correctly. Start by saying the W sound, then move on to the H sound, and finally, the UH sound. Make sure that you are pronouncing each sound correctly and that they flow smoothly together.

Practice Makes Perfect

Like any skill, mastering the pronunciation of What takes practice. Try saying the word slowly and clearly at first, then gradually increase your speed. You can also practice by listening to native English speakers and imitating their pronunciation.

Humorous Tips for Pronouncing What

If you're looking for a more humorous approach to pronouncing What, try these tips:- Pretend that you're a pirate and say Wot instead of What.- Say Wut with a heavy Southern accent.- Add an exaggerated New York accent and say Wha-da-ya-want?While these tips may not help you sound like a native English speaker, they can add some humor to your pronunciation practice.


Pronouncing What correctly may seem like a small detail, but it can make a big difference in your communication skills. By mastering the individual sounds and putting them together, you can pronounce What like a natural English speaker. And if all else fails, remember that humor can make any language barrier a little easier to overcome.

How to Pronounce What Like a Pro

Let's start with the basics: it's what, not wut, wadd, or whaa. If you're still having trouble with this one, then we might have to go back to kindergarten and start from scratch. But assuming you've got this part down, let's move on to some more advanced techniques.

Enunciate the H Sound

Remember to enunciate the h sound at the beginning of the word - it's not silent like in hour or honor. You don't want people thinking you're asking at instead of what. Trust me, it's happened before.

Avoid Elongating the A Sound

Avoid elongating the a sound too much - you don't want to sound like a sheep going baaa-what. Keep it short and sweet, like a quick burst of air from your mouth.

Don't Overemphasize the T

Don't try to add extra emphasis to the t at the end of the word - it's not a game of wha-TTTTTT. You'll just end up sounding like a cartoon character trying to make a point.

Break it Down

If you're struggling with the pronunciation, try breaking the word down into two syllables: wut and uh. This can help you focus on each sound separately and put them together more smoothly.

Be Surprised or Confused

You can also try saying what as if you're surprised or confused - imagine someone saying what?! with their eyebrows raised and a puzzled expression. This can help you emphasize the correct sounds and give you a bit of personality at the same time.

Quick and Easy

Another technique is to say what quickly, almost like you're swallowing the word - just don't choke on it! This can give the word a more casual and relaxed tone, which is great for informal conversations.

Keep it Simple

Remember, what is a simple word - don't overcomplicate it by adding unnecessary flourishes or accents. You're not auditioning for a Shakespearean play, so keep it simple and straightforward.

Try Different Accents

You can also practice saying what in different accents or dialects for a fun challenge - just make sure you don't offend anyone! Whether you're trying out a southern drawl or a British accent, experimenting with different pronunciations can be a great way to improve your overall speaking skills.

Ask for Help

Finally, don't be afraid to ask for help if you're still struggling - after all, it's better to ask how do I say this word correctly? than to keep saying it wrong and embarrassing yourself. And who knows, maybe your pronunciation coach will have some hilarious tips and tricks to share!

So there you have it - a comprehensive guide to pronouncing what like a pro. With these tips and techniques, you'll be able to impress your friends, family, and coworkers with your impeccable word skills. Just remember to have fun with it - after all, language is all about communication and connection. So go forth and conquer that what!

How to Pronounce What - A Humorous Guide

The Problem with What

Have you ever struggled with the pronunciation of the word what? You're not alone. This small, seemingly insignificant word can cause all sorts of confusion and embarrassment. Whether you're a native English speaker or learning the language as a second language, what can trip you up.

So, what's the problem with what? Well, for starters, it's a homophone. That means it sounds the same as another word but has a different spelling and meaning. In this case, what sounds like watt, as in the unit of power. This can lead to some amusing misunderstandings.


  • Person A: What's the wattage on that lightbulb?
  • Person B: What?
  • Person A: Yes, what's the wattage.
  • Person B: I don't understand. What?

You get the idea.

The Solution

So, how do you avoid these awkward situations? Here are some tips:

  1. Emphasize the h sound. In English, we pronounce the letter w by rounding our lips. However, when we say what, we also need to make a slight h sound. So, instead of just rounding your lips, try saying hwat.
  2. Don't swallow the t. Unlike some other languages, in English, we don't always pronounce the final consonant in a word. However, when it comes to what, we do need to say the t. Don't let it get lost in your throat.
  3. Use context clues. If you're not sure if someone said what or watt, listen for the surrounding words. In the lightbulb example above, Person A's question should give you a clue that they're asking about power, not confusion.

The Bottom Line

Pronouncing what correctly may seem like a small thing, but it can make a big difference in how well you communicate. So, don't be afraid to practice and ask for help if you need it. And remember, even native English speakers struggle with this word sometimes.


  • Pronunciation
  • Homophones
  • English language
  • Communication
  • Humor

Don't Get Stuck on Whaaat? - Learn How to Pronounce What With Ease

Well, hello there, my dear visitors! It looks like you're ready to learn the ins and outs of pronouncing the word what. Don't worry, I won't judge you if you've been saying it wrong all this time. In fact, I'm here to help you out and inject some humor into this lesson. So sit back, relax, and get ready to master the art of pronouncing what like a pro!

First things first, let's start with the basics. What is a simple three-letter word that we use on a daily basis. But have you ever stopped to think about how you actually pronounce it? If not, then it's time to pay attention. The correct way to pronounce what is by starting with a w sound and ending with a t sound. Easy enough, right?

Now, let's move on to some common mistakes that people make when pronouncing what. One of the most common mistakes is adding an h sound at the beginning of the word, resulting in hwat. Trust me, you don't want to go down that road. Another mistake is pronouncing it as waht, which is just plain wrong. So, make sure you're starting with that w sound and ending with a crisp t sound.

If you're still struggling with the pronunciation, try saying the word slowly and emphasizing each letter. This will help you get the hang of it and ensure that you're pronouncing it correctly. Remember, practice makes perfect!

Now, let's have some fun with this. Did you know that there are different ways to pronounce what depending on where you're from? For example, in some parts of the UK, it's pronounced as wot. And in some Southern US states, it's pronounced as whut. So, if you're feeling adventurous, try out these different pronunciations and see how they feel. Who knows, you might just start a new trend!

Moving on, let's talk about some phrases that contain the word what. One of the most common phrases is What's up? This phrase is used to greet someone and ask how they're doing. It's important to note that the s in what's is usually silent, so it's pronounced as wassup. Another phrase is What do you mean? which is used to ask for clarification. Make sure you're pronouncing each letter correctly to avoid any confusion.

Now, let's take things up a notch and talk about some tongue twisters that contain the word what. These are sure to test your pronunciation skills! Here's one to get you started: What would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Try saying that five times fast without stumbling. Good luck!

Last but not least, let's talk about some slang terms that use the word what. One of the most popular slang terms is whaddup, which is a shortened version of what's up. Another one is what's good, which is used to ask what's going on or if anything interesting is happening. Just remember to pronounce each letter correctly, even when using slang terms.

And that, my dear visitors, concludes our lesson on how to pronounce what. I hope you had a good laugh and learned something new along the way. Remember, the key to mastering pronunciation is practice and confidence. So go out there and say what like a boss!

People Also Ask: How To Pronounce What?

Why do people even ask this question?

It's hard to believe, but some people actually struggle with pronouncing the word what. Maybe they grew up in a different country or region where English isn't the first language, or perhaps they just never learned it properly. Either way, it's a valid question for those who are unsure.

So, how do you pronounce what?

Well, this may come as a shock to some, but the correct pronunciation of what is...wait for it...wat. Yes, that's right, just like it's spelled. No need to get fancy and add unnecessary sounds or syllables. Just keep it simple!

Are there any tricks to help people remember how to say it?

Sure! Here are a few:

  • Think of a cute little duckling saying wat wat - it's hard to go wrong with that.
  • Imagine you're at a fancy dinner party and someone asks you what you'd like to drink. You reply confidently, I'll have the wat-er, please. See what we did there?
  • If all else fails, just remember that what rhymes with bat, cat, and rat. Easy-peasy!

Can you give an example of how NOT to pronounce what?

Absolutely! Here are a few common mispronunciations:

  1. Wut - sorry, that's just lazy.
  2. Whaaaat - too much emphasis on the aaa sound. You're not a sheep.
  3. Wot - this may work if you're trying to sound like a British gangster, but otherwise, no.

So there you have it, folks. The proper way to pronounce what is wat. Now go forth and use your newfound knowledge with confidence!