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Learn How To Draw a Stunning Sun: Quick and Easy Tutorial

How To Draw Sun

Learn how to draw a beautiful sun with our step-by-step guide. Perfect for beginners and kids!

#drawing #tutorial #sun

Have you ever looked up at the sky and wondered how to draw the sun? Well, you're in luck because I'm here to teach you! Drawing the sun may seem like an easy task, but there are a few tips and tricks that can take your sun-drawing skills to the next level. So, grab a pencil and some paper and let's get started on this sunny adventure!

First and foremost, it's important to understand the basic shape of the sun. The sun is a round, circular shape, but with a few added details, it can really come to life on the page. To start, draw a large circle in the center of your paper. This will be the base of your sun. But wait, we're not done yet!

To add some dimension to your sun, try drawing rays extending out from the circle. These rays can be long or short, thin or thick, whatever style suits your fancy. Don't be afraid to get creative with the rays, as they can really make your sun stand out.

Now, let's talk about color. The sun is typically depicted as a bright, yellow ball of fire in the sky. However, you can experiment with different shades of yellow and orange to bring your sun to life. Don't forget to add some highlights and shadows to really make it pop!

If you're feeling extra adventurous, try adding some clouds to your sun-drawing. Fluffy white clouds can make your sun appear even brighter and more realistic. Plus, who doesn't love a good cloud?

Another fun tip to try is creating a sunrise or sunset scene with your sun. Use warm colors like reds and oranges to create a beautiful sky, and make sure to position your sun accordingly. It's all about the details!

Now, let's switch things up a bit and try drawing a cartoon-style sun. This can be a fun and lighthearted take on the traditional sun-drawing. Start with a basic circle shape and add a pair of eyes and a smiley face. Voila! You've got yourself a happy little sun.

If you're feeling extra silly, try drawing a sun wearing sunglasses or a sunhat. This can add some humor to your drawing and make it stand out from the rest.

One final tip for drawing the sun is to not be too hard on yourself. Drawing is all about experimenting and having fun. So, don't worry if your sun doesn't turn out exactly how you envisioned it. Just keep practicing and trying new techniques.

So there you have it, folks! With these tips and tricks, you're well on your way to becoming a sun-drawing pro. Happy drawing!

Introduction: How to Draw a Sun

Welcome to my tutorial on how to draw a sun! Drawing the sun may seem like a daunting task, but fear not, I am here to guide you through the process with a humorous voice and tone. Let's get started!

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

Before we begin, it's important to have all the necessary supplies. You'll need a piece of paper, a pencil, an eraser, and some colored pencils or markers. If you don't have these supplies, don't worry, just use whatever you have on hand. A crayon and a napkin will work just fine.

Step 2: Draw a Circle

The first step in drawing a sun is to draw a circle. Don't worry if it's not perfect, the sun isn't either. Use your pencil and lightly sketch a circle on your paper. If you're having trouble drawing a circle, try tracing around a circular object like a cup or a lid.

Step 3: Add Some Rays

Now it's time to add some rays to your sun. Draw straight lines radiating out from the circle, like the spokes on a bicycle wheel. You can make them thick or thin, short or long, it's up to you. Just make sure they all originate from the center of the circle.

Step 4: Make It Shine

To make your sun shine, add some zigzag lines around the edges of the rays. This will give your sun a bit of texture and make it look more dynamic. You can also shade in the center of the sun with yellow or orange to make it stand out.

Step 5: Time for Some Personality

Now that you have the basic shape of your sun, it's time to add some personality. Draw a face on your sun with a big smile and some cute little eyes. You can also add some blush to its cheeks if you're feeling fancy.

Step 6: Dress It Up

Your sun needs some accessories, so draw a pair of sunglasses or a hat on top of its head. You can get really creative here and add whatever you like. Maybe your sun is wearing a Hawaiian shirt or holding a surfboard. The possibilities are endless.

Step 7: Add Some Background

To really make your sun pop, add some background elements. Draw some fluffy clouds or a blue sky behind your sun. You can also add some birds or trees to give it a more complete look.

Step 8: Color It In

Now it's time to color in your sun. Use bright colors like yellow, orange, and red to make it stand out. Don't forget to color in the background as well. You can use blues and greens for the sky and grass, or get creative and use pink and purple for a sunset effect.

Step 9: Take a Step Back

Once you've finished coloring, take a step back and admire your work. Your sun should be shining bright and full of personality. If it's not perfect, that's okay, remember that the sun is never perfect either.

Step 10: Share Your Artwork

Finally, share your artwork with others! Show off your sun drawing to your friends and family, or post it on social media. You never know, it might inspire someone else to draw their own sun.

Conclusion: You've Done It!

Congratulations, you've successfully drawn a sun! I hope you had fun following along with this tutorial and that it brought a smile to your face. Remember, drawing doesn't have to be perfect, it's all about the process and having fun. Keep practicing and who knows, maybe you'll become the next Picasso of the sun-drawing world.

How to Draw the Sun: A Humorous Guide

First things first, grab a piece of paper and a pencil. You don't want to be caught with your pants down when the inspiration to draw the sun hits you out of nowhere. Trust me, it's happened to the best of us.

Step 1: Draw a Circle

Now that you're prepared, it's time to draw a circle. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it should be round enough to resemble a golden orb of blazing fire. If your circle ends up looking more like a lopsided potato, that's okay. Just call it modern art and move on.

Step 2: Imagine the Warmth

Take a deep breath and remember all the times you've seen the sun in your life. Close your eyes if it helps. Imagine the warmth on your skin, the way it makes everything look brighter, the way it always seems to know when you've forgotten to wear sunscreen. Okay, now stop daydreaming and get back to drawing.

Step 3: Add Some Rays

No sun is complete without some rays. You can draw them straight or wavy, short or long, thick or thin. It's your sun, not mine. But let's be real, no one wants a sun with no rays. That'd just be a circle. And circles are for squares.

Step 4: Give Your Sun Some Character

Your sun doesn't have to be boring. Give it some character! Maybe it's got a big smiley face, or some sunglasses, or a cowboy hat. Maybe it's doing the Macarena. Whatever floats your boat. Just make sure it's not giving you the stink eye.

Step 5: Don't Forget the Details

Details make the difference. Maybe your sun has some sunspots, or some solar flares, or some freckles. Maybe it's got a little acne. Don't be ashamed, sun. We've all been there.

Step 6: Experiment with Colors

Who said the sun has to be yellow and orange? Mix things up with some reds, pinks, and purples. Maybe your sun is a rainbow sun. Maybe it's a tie-dye sun. The world is your oyster. Just don't make it look like a radioactive mutant.

Step 7: Shade and Shadow

Give your sun some depth by adding some shading. Maybe the rays are brighter at the tips and fade to a lighter color near the center. Maybe there are some clouds in the sky casting shadows on the sun. Use your imagination. But please, don't make it look like a black hole.

Step 8: Show off Your Creation

You did it! Hold up your masterpiece to the light and let it shine, baby. Take a picture and post it on social media. Send it to your grandma. Frame it and put it on your wall. You are an artist, and this is your moment. Just don't give up your day job yet.

Step 9: Practice Makes Perfect

Remember that practice makes perfect. Keep drawing suns until you've got it down pat. And then keep drawing them anyway, because let's face it, the world could always use more sunshine. Just don't get too obsessed. There are other things in life besides the sun. Like the moon. Or stars. Or pizza.

So go out there and draw the sun like a boss. Just don't forget your sunscreen.

How to Draw Sun: A Humorous Tutorial


Greetings, fellow aspiring artists! Today, we will turn our attention to a celestial subject: the sun. Drawing the sun may seem like a daunting task, but fear not, for I am here to guide you through this radiant process with a humorous touch.

Materials Needed:

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Yellow and orange colored pencils or markers

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Draw a circle in the middle of your paper using your pencil. Don't worry about making it perfect - remember, the sun is not a perfect sphere. It's more like a lumpy orange.
  2. Erase any unnecessary lines inside the circle.
  3. Now it's time to add some personality to the sun. Draw a pair of sunglasses on the top of the circle. The sun is cool, after all.
  4. Next, draw a smirk or a grin below the sunglasses. The sun is always smiling, even on cloudy days.
  5. Add some rays around the sun using your yellow and orange colored pencils or markers. Make them uneven and wavy to give the sun some movement.
  6. Finally, color in your sun using a combination of yellow and orange. Don't be afraid to shade in some areas to make it look more dimensional.


And there you have it, folks - your very own sun drawing! Remember to have fun and don't take it too seriously. After all, the sun is just a big ball of gas, right? Happy drawing!


  • Sun
  • Drawing
  • Tutorial
  • Humorous
  • Art

So, You Want to Draw the Sun?

Well, well, well. Look who wants to try their hand at drawing the most important star in our solar system. I must say, I'm impressed. But, before we get started, let me warn you – drawing the sun is no easy feat. It takes talent, skill, and a lot of patience. But fear not, my dear blog visitor, for I am here to guide you through this treacherous journey.

First things first, let's talk about the basics. The sun is a big, round ball of fire (well, not exactly fire, but you get the idea). It's yellow, it's bright, and it's hot as heck. In order to draw the sun, you'll need to start with a circle. Don't worry about making it perfect – the sun has sunspots and imperfections, so your circle doesn't need to be flawless either.

Once you've got your circle, it's time to add some rays. This is where things can get tricky. Some people like to draw straight lines coming out of the sun, while others prefer wavy lines. Personally, I like to mix it up and do a bit of both. Remember, there's no right or wrong way to draw the sun – it's all about personal preference.

Now, let's talk about coloring. The sun is yellow, but it's not just one shade of yellow. It has different hues and tones that give it depth and dimension. Start with a light yellow and gradually add darker yellows and oranges until you achieve the desired effect. And don't forget to leave some white space for those sunspots!

Speaking of sunspots, let's talk about how to draw those bad boys. Sunspots are dark, irregularly shaped spots that appear on the surface of the sun. They're caused by magnetic fields and can vary in size and shape. To draw a sunspot, simply add a small, dark circle to your sun and voila – you've got yourself a sunspot.

Now, let's take a moment to appreciate the fact that we're drawing the freaking sun. I mean, how cool is that? The sun is responsible for all life on Earth, and here we are, trying to capture its essence on a piece of paper. It's kind of mind-blowing when you think about it.

Okay, back to business. Let's talk about shading. Shading is what gives your drawing depth and makes it look more realistic. Start by shading around the edges of your sun and gradually work your way inward. Use a light touch and blend the colors together for a smooth transition.

And finally, let's talk about the finishing touches. Add some clouds or a blue sky in the background to give your drawing some context. And if you're feeling really ambitious, you could even try adding some planets or other celestial bodies. The sky's the limit (pun intended).

So there you have it, folks. A step-by-step guide on how to draw the sun. Was it easy? No. Was it worth it? Absolutely. Now go forth and show off your newfound drawing skills to the world. And remember, the sun may be hot, but your drawing skills are even hotter.

How to Draw a Sun: People Also Ask

What is the easiest way to draw a sun?

Well, if you can draw a circle, you're halfway there! Start by drawing a big circle, then add some rays coming out from the center. Voila! You've got yourself a sun.

How do you draw a realistic sun?

Realistic sun? Oh boy, that's a tough one. I mean, have you ever looked directly at the sun? It's pretty intense. But if you're up for the challenge, try adding some texture to your sun with shading and highlights. Just be sure to wear sunglasses while you work. Safety first, folks.

Can you draw a smiling sun?

Absolutely! Who doesn't love a happy sun? Just add a smiley face to your circle and give those rays a little bounce. Don't forget to add some rosy cheeks for extra cuteness.

What colors should I use to draw a sun?

Hmm, let's see. Maybe...yellow? And orange? And maybe a little bit of red? Oh, and don't forget about white for those blazing hot highlights. But hey, it's your sun. Use whatever colors make you happy!

Is it hard to draw a sun?

Not at all! Just get some paper and a pencil, and let your creativity shine. And if you're feeling stuck, just remember: when in doubt, add more rays. You can never go wrong with more rays.

Can I draw a sun with sunglasses?

Now we're talking. A sun with sunglasses is the epitome of cool. Just draw your sun as usual, then add some stylish shades to give it that extra oomph. Your sun will be the envy of all the other celestial bodies.

What if I mess up while drawing a sun?

Hey, nobody's perfect. If you make a mistake, just keep going. Embrace the imperfections and turn them into happy accidents. Who knows, maybe your sun will end up even better than you imagined.

Can I draw a sun with a mustache?

Why not? A sun with a mustache is a bold statement, but we're all about breaking the rules here. Draw your sun, add a stylish 'stache, and watch as it becomes an instant icon. Bonus points if you add a monocle.

Is it weird that I want to draw a sun?

Not at all! Drawing a sun is a perfectly normal and fun thing to do. Plus, think about all the skills you'll be developing: circle-drawing, shading, ray-making...the list goes on. So go ahead and embrace your love for the sun. We won't judge.

Can I draw a sun in space?

Of course! A sun in space is a classic image, and for good reason. It's beautiful, mysterious, and just plain cool. Just be sure to add some stars and planets in the background to really set the scene. And don't forget the spacesuit if you're feeling extra fancy.