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Master The Art of Sitting Out In Fortnite: A Step-by-Step Guide

How To Sit Out In Fortnite

Learn how to sit out in Fortnite and avoid getting eliminated from the game! Follow our simple tips and tricks to survive longer in battle royale.

Are you tired of constantly getting eliminated in Fortnite? Well, have no fear because I am here to teach you the art of sitting out. Yes, that's right, sometimes the best strategy in this game is to simply hide and let others do the dirty work. Don't worry, I won't judge you for being a little chicken. In fact, I applaud your willingness to do whatever it takes to survive. So, without further ado, let's get into how to sit out in Fortnite.

First things first, you need to find a good hiding spot. This could be a building, a bush, or even just laying low in the grass. The key is to make sure you are not easily seen by other players. Once you have found your spot, take a deep breath and get comfortable. You could be here for a while.

Now, it's time to play the waiting game. This is where patience comes in handy. You may hear gunshots and explosions nearby, but resist the urge to investigate. Remember, your goal is to stay alive, not to be a hero. Keep your eyes peeled for any movement around you and stay alert.

If you start to get antsy, try distracting yourself with something else. Maybe start humming a tune or counting backwards from 100. Anything to keep your mind occupied and prevent you from making any rash decisions.

Okay, so now you've been sitting out for a while and the storm is starting to close in. This is where things can get a little tricky. You don't want to get caught in the storm, but you also don't want to reveal your location by running out in the open. The trick here is to time your movements carefully. Wait until the storm is almost on top of you before making a break for it.

If you do happen to get spotted by an enemy, don't panic. Stay calm and keep your movements slow and deliberate. Try to blend in with your surroundings as much as possible. If you're lucky, they may just assume you're part of the scenery and move on.

One thing to keep in mind is that sitting out is not a foolproof strategy. There will be times when you still get eliminated despite your best efforts. That's just the nature of the game. But hey, at least you gave it your all and went down fighting...or rather, hiding.

In conclusion, sitting out may not be the most glamorous strategy in Fortnite, but it can be effective when done correctly. Remember to find a good hiding spot, play the waiting game, distract yourself if needed, time your movements carefully, and stay calm if you get spotted. With a little bit of luck and a whole lot of patience, you just might come out on top.

The Art of Sitting Out in Fortnite


Fortnite is an intense game that requires a lot of focus, skill, and strategy. But sometimes, even the best players need to take a break. Whether you're feeling tired, frustrated, or just need to use the bathroom, sitting out can be a great way to recharge your batteries and come back to the game stronger than ever. In this article, we'll show you how to sit out in Fortnite like a pro.

Step 1: Find a Safe Spot

The first step to sitting out in Fortnite is finding a safe spot where you won't get attacked by other players. This could be a remote corner of the map, a hidden bush, or even a building that's been abandoned. Whatever you choose, make sure it's far away from any enemy activity and has plenty of cover.

Step 2: Build a Fort

Once you've found your safe spot, it's time to build a fort. This will not only keep you safe from enemy fire but also provide you with some much-needed privacy. Use wood, brick, or metal to construct walls, floors, and roofs, making sure to leave enough space for you to move around comfortably.

Step 3: Get Comfortable

Now that you've built your fort, it's time to get comfortable. Lay down a few traps, set up some furniture, and make yourself at home. If you have any snacks or drinks nearby, now's the time to indulge. Just make sure you don't spill anything on your keyboard or controller.

Step 4: Stay Alert

While you're sitting out, it's important to stay alert. Keep an eye on the storm circle and make sure you're not getting too close to it. Also, keep your ears open for any enemy activity. If you hear footsteps or gunshots nearby, be ready to defend yourself.

Step 5: Plan Your Next Move

While you're taking a break, it's a good idea to plan your next move. Think about where you want to go next, what weapons or items you need, and how you can improve your strategy. Use this time to reflect on your gameplay and come up with new ideas.

Step 6: Communicate with Your Teammates

If you're playing with a team, let them know that you're sitting out and why. This will help them understand your absence and adjust their strategy accordingly. You can also use this time to communicate with your teammates and coordinate your next moves.

Step 7: Enjoy the Scenery

One of the best things about sitting out in Fortnite is the opportunity to enjoy the scenery. Take a moment to appreciate the stunning graphics, the intricate details, and the sheer scale of the game world. You might even discover some hidden secrets or Easter eggs that you missed before.

Step 8: Take a Break

Sometimes, sitting out in Fortnite isn't just about taking a break from the game, but also from the stress and pressure of everyday life. Use this time to meditate, stretch, or just take a few deep breaths. Your mind and body will thank you.

Step 9: Return to the Game Stronger Than Ever

After you've taken a break, it's time to return to the game stronger than ever. Use the strategies and ideas you came up with while sitting out to improve your gameplay. With a fresh perspective and renewed energy, you'll be able to tackle even the toughest challenges.


Sitting out in Fortnite might seem like a waste of time, but it can actually be a valuable part of your gameplay. By finding a safe spot, building a fort, getting comfortable, staying alert, planning your next move, communicating with your teammates, enjoying the scenery, taking a break, and returning to the game stronger than ever, you'll be able to recharge your batteries and come back to the game with renewed energy and enthusiasm. So go ahead, sit out, and come back stronger than ever!Ah, the art of sitting out in Fortnite. It's a delicate dance between hiding and staying alert, all while avoiding getting sniped in the back. But fear not, my friends, for I have compiled a list of tips to help you become a sitting-out pro.First and foremost, Get those buns off the ground! The first step to sitting out in Fortnite is, well, actually sitting. Make sure to lift your rear end off the floor and settle into a comfortable position. Trust me, you don't want to cramp up halfway through a match.Now that you're comfortably seated, it's time to Find a cozy corner – not a cactus! Choose a spot away from the action where you can hunker down and wait out the competition. Just make sure it's not prickly or painful! There's nothing worse than sitting on a cactus and having to explain to your teammates why you're suddenly screaming in pain.Next, Make a mental grocery list. Why not use this time to plan out your next grocery run or ponder the meaning of life? After all, your opponents won't be able to hear your stomach growling from behind that rock. You might even come up with a brilliant strategy for the next round while you're mentally debating between crunchy or creamy peanut butter.Become one with nature (or a tree). Sometimes the best way to blend in is to become part of your surroundings. Try hiding behind a tree or blending into a bush to avoid detection. Just be careful not to accidentally startle any woodland creatures, or you might find yourself in an unexpected fight for survival.Practice your yoga poses. Turn sitting out into a relaxing yoga session. Take deep breaths, stretch those muscles, and focus on your inner peace. Or, you know, just wait for the storm to pass. Either way, you'll feel much more zen and centered once you're back in the action.Imagine mini Fortnite figures battling on your lap. Get creative with your downtime and imagine a tiny Fortnite universe battling it out on your lap. Who knows, you might just come up with the newest viral dance move. Or, if you're feeling particularly diabolical, create a tiny version of your opponent and watch them suffer at the hands of your imaginary army.Make a new friend (or foe). Use the time to scope out your opponents and throw a friendly emote their way. Or, if you're feeling a little feisty, unleash a barrage of insults their way. Just remember, karma can be a cruel mistress, so choose your words wisely.Count to a million. Contemplating the vastness of space can be a great way to pass the time. Try counting to a million and see if you can resist the urge to check the clock every five seconds. Who knows, you might even discover a newfound appreciation for the concept of infinity.Take a nap (with one eye open). It's important to be well-rested in a battle royale game, so why not catch some Z's while you wait? Just make sure to keep one eye open in case someone tries to sneak up on you. And if you do happen to get sniped mid-nap, at least you'll have an excuse for your teammates.Finally, Build a fort – for your mind. Don't just hide behind physical barriers, build a mental fortress as well. Imagine yourself as an impenetrable force, impervious to any and all enemy attacks. Now take a deep breath and claim your victory, no matter the outcome.So there you have it, folks. Follow these tips, and you'll be the sitting-out champion of Fortnite in no time. Just remember to stay alert and always be ready to jump back into the fray. Happy hiding!

How To Sit Out In Fortnite: A Humorous Guide

The Problem

So, you've found yourself in a Fortnite game with a team that just doesn't seem to get it. Maybe they're running around like headless chickens, or maybe they're just not taking the game seriously enough. Either way, you're ready to sit this one out and wait for a better team to come along.

The Solution

Fortunately, Fortnite has a handy feature that lets you sit out of games without penalty. Here's how to do it:

  1. Open the settings menu in Fortnite.
  2. Select Game from the menu.
  3. Scroll down to Matchmaking Region and select NAE (North America East).
  4. Save your settings and exit the menu.
  5. Start a new match.
  6. Wait for the game to load.
  7. Press the Escape key on your keyboard.
  8. Select Leave Match.
  9. You will be taken back to the main menu without penalty.

And that's it! You're now free to wait for a better team to come along.

But Wait, There's More!

If you really want to make a statement, you can take things one step further. Here are a few ideas:

  • Change your Fortnite username to something like WaitingForAGoodTeam.
  • Create a custom banner with the same message and display it in-game.
  • Join a Fortnite Discord server and advertise yourself as a free agent.

The Bottom Line

Sometimes, you just need to sit out of a Fortnite game and wait for a better team to come along. With this guide, you can do it without penalty and with a little bit of humor to boot.


  • Fortnite
  • Sit out
  • Humorous
  • Guide
  • Team
  • Leave match
  • Custom banner
  • Discord server

So, we've reached the end of our little tutorial on how to sit out in Fortnite.

Congratulations! You've made it this far, and hopefully, you've learned a thing or two about sitting out in Fortnite. Now, we know what you're thinking. But wait, I didn't actually learn anything! Well, that's not entirely true. You may not have learned anything useful, but you did learn some hilarious ways to sit out and troll your friends.

And let's be real, isn't that what Fortnite is all about? Sure, it's fun to win and get kills and all that jazz, but it's also about having a good time with your friends and causing chaos. Sitting out is just one more way to do that.

Now, we should probably mention that sitting out too often can get you banned from matches. So, please use these methods sparingly and don't ruin the game for others. But, if you're feeling particularly mischievous, go ahead and give them a try.

Remember, there's no shame in sitting out. Sometimes, you just need a break from the action or want to annoy your friends. And who knows, maybe your sitting out will inspire others to do the same, and you can start a whole new trend in the Fortnite community.

So, when you're feeling tired or just want to sit back and watch the chaos unfold, try out one of these methods. Whether it's pretending to be a statue, hiding in plain sight, or doing the worm, we guarantee you'll have a good laugh.

But, the most important thing is to have fun. Fortnite is a game, after all, and it's meant to be enjoyed. So, if you're not having a good time, what's the point? Take a break, try something new, and come back to the game refreshed.

And with that, we'll wrap up this blog post. We hope you've enjoyed reading it as much as we've enjoyed writing it. And who knows, maybe we'll see you out there in the game, sitting out and causing chaos.

Until next time, happy gaming!

How To Sit Out In Fortnite - People Also Ask

What does it mean to sit out in Fortnite?

When someone says they're going to sit out in Fortnite, it simply means that they will not be participating in the game or match. They may also use this term if they need to take a break or step away from the game for a little while.

Can you sit out of a Fortnite match?

Yes, you can definitely sit out of a Fortnite match. All you have to do is stay in the game lobby and don't ready up when it's time to start the match. Just be aware that if you're playing with a group, your absence may affect their chances of winning.

How do I sit out in Fortnite on PS4?

If you're playing Fortnite on PS4 and want to sit out for a bit, simply don't press the ready button when it's time to start the match. You can also leave the game altogether and come back later when you're ready to play again.

Is there a penalty for sitting out in Fortnite?

No, there is no penalty for sitting out in Fortnite. In fact, it's a common practice among players who need to take a break or simply don't want to participate in a match. Just be polite and let your team know that you won't be playing so they can adjust their strategy accordingly.

Can you still earn rewards if you sit out in Fortnite?

Unfortunately, if you sit out of a match in Fortnite, you won't be able to earn any rewards or XP. This is because you didn't actually play the game, so you didn't contribute to the team's effort. So, if you're looking to level up or earn some sweet loot, you'll need to actually play the game.

So there you have it! Sitting out in Fortnite is a perfectly acceptable practice, but just remember that you won't be able to earn any rewards if you do. Happy gaming!