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Unlocking Gallade: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Evolve Kirlia with Ease

How To Evolve Kirlia Into Gallade

Learn how to evolve Kirlia into Gallade in Pokémon games. Follow our step-by-step guide to unlock the powerful psychic/fighting-type Pokémon.

Evolution is an essential part of any Pokemon trainer's journey. It's the process of transforming one creature into a more powerful and unique form, making it stronger and more capable of battling other Pokemon. One such evolution that has caught the attention of many trainers is how to evolve Kirlia into Gallade. This process is not only exciting but also highly rewarding, as Gallade is a formidable fighter that can take down opponents with ease. So, if you're curious about how to evolve Kirlia into Gallade, keep reading to find out!

Firstly, let's talk about Kirlia. This psychic/fairy-type Pokemon is known for its elegant appearance and graceful movements. Its slender body and pointed ears make it stand out from other Pokemon, but what really sets it apart is its ability to sense the emotions of those around it. However, Kirlia's power levels are relatively low compared to other Pokemon, so it's essential to evolve it to unlock its full potential.

So, how do you evolve Kirlia into Gallade? Well, the first thing you need to know is that there are two ways to do it - the traditional method and the more recent method. The traditional method involves using a Dawn Stone, but this is not available in earlier versions of the game. The more recent method involves using a Sinnoh Stone, which is obtainable through special research tasks or by participating in PvP battles.

If you're lucky enough to have a Sinnoh Stone, you'll need to make sure your Kirlia is ready to evolve. This means it needs to be at least level 30 and have 100 Kirlia Candy. Once you've met these requirements, you can use the Sinnoh Stone to evolve Kirlia into Gallade. Congratulations, you now have a powerful fighter in your team!

But wait, there's more to this evolution than just using a stone. Did you know that Kirlia's gender plays a significant role in its evolution? That's right, only male Kirlia can evolve into Gallade! Female Kirlia, on the other hand, can evolve into Gardevoir using a Dawn Stone.

Now, let's talk about why you should consider evolving Kirlia into Gallade. For starters, Gallade has significantly higher attack and defense stats than Kirlia, making it a valuable asset in battle. Its dual typing also makes it resistant to several types of attacks, including dark, dragon, and psychic. This means that Gallade can take down opponents that Kirlia would struggle against.

Gallade also has access to several powerful moves, such as Close Combat, Leaf Blade, and Psycho Cut. These moves make it a force to be reckoned with in both PvE and PvP battles. Plus, its unique ability, Justified, raises its attack stat when hit by a dark-type move, making it even more powerful against certain opponents.

In conclusion, evolving Kirlia into Gallade is a worthwhile investment for any Pokemon trainer. With its high attack and defense stats, dual typing, and powerful moves, Gallade is a formidable fighter that can take down opponents with ease. So, if you have a male Kirlia and a Sinnoh Stone, don't hesitate to evolve it into Gallade - you won't regret it!


So, you've caught yourself a Kirlia and you're ready to evolve it into the majestic Gallade. But wait, there's a catch! You can't just make it evolve like any other Pokemon. You need a little something extra to make this happen. Don't worry though, we've got you covered. In this article, we'll guide you through the process of evolving your Kirlia into a Gallade. And trust us, it's going to be one hilarious ride!

Step 1: Catch a Male Kirlia

This is the most crucial step in evolving your Kirlia into a Gallade. You need to catch a male Kirlia. Yes, you read that right. Only male Kirlia can evolve into Gallade. Female Kirlia will evolve into Gardevoir instead. So, don't even think about evolving a female Kirlia into a Gallade. It's not happening.

Step 2: Get a Dawn Stone

Now that you have a male Kirlia, it's time to get a Dawn Stone. This is the item that you need to make your Kirlia evolve into a Gallade. You can find a Dawn Stone in various places throughout the game. You can buy it from a Pokemart, find it on the ground, or even receive it as a reward for completing certain tasks. Just make sure you have one before you move on to the next step.

Step 3: Make Your Kirlia Happy

Okay, this is where things get a little tricky. In order to evolve your Kirlia into a Gallade, it needs to be happy. And we don't mean just any kind of happy. We're talking about a special kind of happy that can only be achieved by bonding with your Kirlia. You need to spend time with your Kirlia, pet it, feed it, and make it feel loved. You know, the way you would with a real pet. So, put on your petting gloves and get to work.

Step 4: Teach Your Kirlia Some Awesome Moves

You want your Gallade to be a force to be reckoned with, right? Then you need to teach your Kirlia some awesome moves. This is not only important for battle but also to increase its happiness level. The happier your Kirlia is, the easier it will be to evolve it into a Gallade. So, teach it some cool moves like Psycho Cut, Swords Dance, and Close Combat. And don't forget to use them in battle to show off your Kirlia's skills.

Step 5: Level Up Your Kirlia

Now that your Kirlia is happy and knows some awesome moves, it's time to level it up. But hold on, there's a catch here too. Your Kirlia needs to level up while it's still a male. If it evolves into a Gardevoir first, it's game over. So, keep an eye on its level and make sure it evolves into a Gallade before it hits level 30. And voila! You now have a powerful Gallade on your team.


Evolving a Kirlia into a Gallade may seem like a daunting task, but with our guide, it's a piece of cake. Just remember to catch a male Kirlia, get a Dawn Stone, make it happy, teach it some cool moves, and level it up while it's still a male. And most importantly, have fun with it! After all, Pokemon is all about having fun and creating awesome memories. So, go out there and catch 'em all, including that badass Gallade!

How to Evolve Kirlia into Gallade

So you've got yourself a Kirlia, and you're eager to turn it into a gallant Gallade. But how do you do it? Say abracadabra three times, wave a magic wand and hope for the best? Unfortunately, this method rarely works. Luckily, there are other ways to make your Kirlia evolve.

Bribery is Key

The quickest way to evolve Kirlia? Bribery. Offer it a steady diet of rare candies and it'll evolve before you know it. Sure, it may seem like a cop-out, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Plus, who doesn't love candy?

Teach it to Dance

Want to add a bit of class to your Kirlia's evolution? Teach it how to ballroom dance. As soon as it masters the waltz, it'll automatically transform into a gallant Gallade. Just make sure it doesn't step on your toes in the process.

Guilt Trip

Can't afford to bribe your Kirlia with candies? Simply make it feel guilty! Leave out pictures of other, stronger Pokémon around the house and watch as it rushes to evolve to keep up. Manipulative? Maybe. Effective? Definitely.

Pamper it

If all else fails, go the opposite route and pamper your Kirlia with luxury. Give it massages, a personal trainer, and a spa day. It may just be too relaxed to evolve, but hey, at least it'll be happy. And isn't that what really matters?

Create a Signature Dish

Want to show your Kirlia how much you care? Create a signature dish for it - think a power protein smoothie or a special berry smoothie. It might not make your Kirlia evolve, but it'll definitely appreciate the effort.

Psych it Out

Psych out your Kirlia by constantly reminding it that it's small and weak. It'll soon evolve out of pure frustration. Just be careful not to take it too far - you don't want to give your Kirlia a complex.

Education is Key

Send your Kirlia to Pokémon university and have it study hard. It may take a few years, but education pays off - it'll evolve into a Gallade with a PhD! Who knows, maybe one day it'll even become a professor.

Watch Sappy Romance Movies

Want a romantic Gallade who will sweep you off your feet? Watch sappy romance movies with your Kirlia until it becomes so in tune with its emotions that it evolves into just that. Just be prepared for a lot of tears and tissues.

Patience is a Virtue

Finally, just be patient. Kirlia will evolve into a Gallade eventually - after all, Rome wasn't built in a day. Or evolved in a day. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey. Who knows, maybe your Kirlia will surprise you with a unique evolution all its own.

So there you have it - several ways to evolve your Kirlia into a gallant Gallade. Some may be more effective than others, but they all have their own charm. Just remember to have fun along the way!

How to Evolve Kirlia into Gallade: A Humorous Guide

The Basics of Kirlia and Gallade

Kirlia is a Psychic/Fairy type Pokémon that evolves from the cute little Ralts. Kirlia can evolve into either the beautiful Gardevoir or the handsome Gallade, depending on certain conditions. Gallade is a Fighting/Psychic type Pokémon that has a unique ability to wield two swords at once.

What You Need to Evolve Kirlia into Gallade

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of how to evolve Kirlia into Gallade, let's take a look at what you need:

  • A male Kirlia (yes, it has to be male)
  • A Dawn Stone (which can be found in various locations throughout the game)
  • A sense of humor (because we're going to have some fun with this)

The Evolution Process

Now that we have everything we need, let's get started on evolving Kirlia into Gallade!

  1. Make sure your Kirlia is male. This is important because only male Kirlia can evolve into Gallade. If you have a female Kirlia, sorry, but you're out of luck.
  2. Give your Kirlia a good pep talk. Evolving is a big deal, and your Kirlia needs to be mentally prepared for what's about to happen.
  3. Present your Kirlia with the Dawn Stone. As you hold it up to your Kirlia, say something like, Behold, Kirlia! This is the magical rock that will transform you into the dashing and debonair Gallade!
  4. Wait for your Kirlia to take the Dawn Stone from you. If it doesn't, try again with a different tone of voice. Maybe your Kirlia needs a little more encouragement.
  5. Cue the dramatic music. As your Kirlia starts to evolve, play some intense music to heighten the tension. Bonus points if you can get your friends to do a slow clap in the background.
  6. Watch as your Kirlia transforms into Gallade! Congratulate your new Pokémon on its transformation, and give it a high five (or a high sword, if you're feeling adventurous).


And there you have it, folks! A humorous guide to evolving Kirlia into Gallade. Remember, the most important thing is to have fun with it. Pokémon is all about enjoying yourself, so don't be afraid to get a little silly.

Goodbye, Fellow Trainers!

Well, now that you know how to evolve Kirlia into Gallade, it's time for me to bid you farewell! I hope this article was helpful and entertaining for you. Before we part ways, let's do a quick recap of what we learned today.

Firstly, we talked about the different methods of evolving Kirlia into Gallade. You can either use a Dawn Stone or complete the Sinnoh Collection challenge in Pokemon Go. Both methods are relatively easy, but the latter requires more effort and time.

Next, we discussed the benefits of having a Gallade on your team. Gallade is a powerful Psychic/Fighting-type Pokemon with high attack and speed stats. It can learn a variety of moves that deal massive damage to its opponents, making it an excellent choice for battles.

If you're wondering why I didn't include a title for this article, well, that's because I wanted to keep things light and humorous. Titles can be pretty boring, don't you think? Plus, I wanted to surprise you with some fun facts and jokes throughout the article.

Speaking of fun facts, did you know that Gallade is one of the few male-only Pokemon species? That's right, only male Kirlia can evolve into Gallade. Female Kirlia can only evolve into Gardevoir. Isn't that interesting?

Another fun fact is that Gallade's design is based on a knight or samurai. Its swords are actually extensions of its elbows, which it uses to deliver swift and powerful attacks. So, if you ever need a bodyguard or a swordsman, Gallade's got you covered!

Anyway, I hope you had as much fun reading this article as I did writing it. I always enjoy sharing my knowledge and passion for Pokemon with fellow trainers. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below.

Before I go, here's a little joke for you: Why did the Kirlia break up with the Gardevoir? Because she was too clingy! Okay, okay, that was a bad one. But hey, at least I tried, right?

Alright, that's all from me. Keep catching 'em all, and don't forget to evolve your Kirlia into Gallade! Goodbye, fellow trainers!

People Also Ask: How To Evolve Kirlia Into Gallade

What is Kirlia?

Kirlia is a Psychic/Fairy-type Pokémon that was first introduced in the third generation of the Pokémon games. It evolves from Ralts and can evolve into either Gardevoir or Gallade, depending on certain conditions.

What is Gallade?

Gallade is a dual-type Psychic/Fighting Pokémon that was introduced in the fourth generation of the Pokémon games. It is the male counterpart to Gardevoir and can only be obtained by evolving a male Kirlia using a special method.

How do you evolve Kirlia into Gallade?

To evolve Kirlia into Gallade, you must meet the following conditions:

  1. Your Kirlia must be male. If your Kirlia is female, it will evolve into Gardevoir instead.
  2. You must have a Dawn Stone in your inventory. You can find a Dawn Stone in various locations throughout the game, such as hidden in caves or given as a reward for completing certain tasks.
  3. You must use the Dawn Stone on your male Kirlia while it is at level 20 or higher.

Is it worth evolving Kirlia into Gallade?

That depends on your personal preferences and playstyle. Gallade has higher physical attack and defense stats than Gardevoir, making it a better choice if you prefer using physical moves in battles. However, Gardevoir has higher special attack and defense stats, making it a better choice if you prefer using special moves. Ultimately, both Gardevoir and Gallade are strong and versatile Pokémon, so it's up to you to decide which one you prefer.

Can you evolve a female Kirlia into Gallade?

No, you cannot evolve a female Kirlia into Gallade. Female Kirlia will always evolve into Gardevoir, regardless of its level or any other conditions.

Any tips for training my Gallade?

Sure! Here are a few tips:

  • Focus on training Gallade's physical attack and defense stats, as these are its strongest attributes.
  • Teach Gallade moves that complement its typing, such as Fighting-type moves like Close Combat or Psychic-type moves like Psychic.
  • Consider using a held item like a Choice Band or Life Orb to boost Gallade's attack power even further.
  • Try pairing Gallade with Pokémon that can cover its weaknesses, such as a Fairy-type to counter its weakness to Poison-type moves.

Now go forth and train that Gallade to be the best it can be!