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Unlock the Secret to Creating Coal in Little Alchemy: Step-by-Step Guide

How To Make Coal In Little Alchemy

Learn how to create coal in Little Alchemy! Combine fire and wood to get charcoal, then combine charcoal and stone to make coal.

Are you tired of unsuccessfully trying to create coal in Little Alchemy? Fear not, my fellow alchemists! I am here to share with you the ultimate guide on how to make this elusive element. So pull up a seat, grab your cauldron, and let's get started!

Firstly, you must understand that creating coal is not an easy task. It requires patience, perseverance, and a little bit of luck. But don't worry, I am here to guide you through every step of the way.

The first ingredient you will need is fire. Yes, you heard me right. Fire is the key to creating coal. But don't go lighting random things on fire just yet. You will need to combine air and fire to create energy first.

Next, you will need to combine earth and energy to create lava. This may seem like a strange combination, but trust me, it's necessary for the process.

Now, combine air and lava to create stone. This step may take a few tries, but don't give up hope. Keep mixing until you get that perfect stone.

Once you have the stone, you're almost there. Combine the stone and energy to create metal. Congratulations, you're one step closer to creating coal!

Now, for the final step. Combine metal and fire to create none other than coal itself. Huzzah! You have done it!

But wait, there's more! Did you know that coal can also be used to create other elements? For example, combining coal and water will create oil. And combining coal and pressure will create diamonds. Who knew that coal was such a versatile element?

So there you have it, folks. The ultimate guide on how to make coal in Little Alchemy. Now go forth and create to your heart's content!

But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. So don't go using your newfound knowledge for evil. Use it for good, and who knows what amazing creations you may come up with.

And if all else fails, just remember that there's always the hint button. Happy creating!


Welcome to the wonderful world of Little Alchemy, where you can create virtually anything with just a few clicks of your mouse. Today, we're going to show you how to make coal from scratch – no mining equipment required! So sit back, relax, and prepare to learn how to turn ordinary ingredients into something truly extraordinary.

What is Little Alchemy?

For those who are new to the game, Little Alchemy is an addictive online puzzle game that challenges players to combine different elements to create new ones. It's a simple concept, but one that can keep you entertained for hours on end. The game features over 550 elements, ranging from basic elements like air and water to more complex ones like skyscrapers and unicorns.

The Ingredients

To make coal in Little Alchemy, you'll need two basic ingredients: fire and wood. Fire is one of the four basic elements in the game, while wood is a combination of tree and tool. To create fire, simply combine air and lava. To create wood, combine tree and tool. Once you have these two ingredients, you're ready to get started.

The Process

Now that you have your ingredients, it's time to start the process of creating coal. To do this, simply combine fire and wood. This will create charcoal, which is the precursor to coal. Charcoal is a valuable resource in the game, as it can be used to create a variety of other elements, including gunpowder, torches, and more.

The Next Step

Once you have your charcoal, you're almost there. To turn charcoal into coal, you'll need to add pressure. In the real world, coal is formed over millions of years through the process of heat and pressure. In Little Alchemy, you can speed up this process by simply combining charcoal and pressure.

How to Create Pressure

To create pressure in Little Alchemy, you'll need to combine earth and water. Earth is one of the four basic elements in the game, while water is a combination of sea and air. Once you have these two ingredients, simply combine them to create pressure.

Putting It All Together

Now that you have your charcoal and pressure, it's time to combine them to create coal. To do this, simply drag the charcoal and pressure icons onto each other. You'll see a small explosion, and voila – you now have coal!

What Can You Do with Coal?

Coal is a valuable resource in Little Alchemy, as it can be used to create a variety of other elements. For example, you can combine coal and steam to create a locomotive, or coal and metal to create a steel mill. The possibilities are endless!


Congratulations! You now know how to create coal in Little Alchemy. This simple recipe is just one example of the many amazing things you can create in this addictive puzzle game. So go forth and experiment – who knows what other incredible creations you'll discover along the way.

Get Your Inner Miner On

Are you ready to become a coal-making expert? Well, grab your pickaxe and let's get digging! In Little Alchemy, you have the power to turn rocks into coal. It's like being a magician, but instead of rabbits, you're making something much more useful.

Find Some Rocks, Stat!

The first step in making coal is finding some rocks. The rocks need to be under a lot of pressure for a long time to turn into coal. So, grab your pickaxe and start searching for your favorite rock formation. And don't forget to wear your helmet, safety first!

Heat Things Up

Now that you have your rocks, it's time to heat things up - literally. You can't make coal without some serious heat. Find a hot spot and get ready to roast those rocks. This is where the fun begins!

Pressure Cooker

Once your rocks are heated up, it's time to add some pressure. This is where things get tricky. You'll need to apply just the right amount of pressure to your rocks to turn them into coal. It's like playing Jenga, but with rocks. So, take a deep breath, focus, and apply the pressure!

Mash It Up

Congratulations, you now have coal! But wait, we're not done yet. Take your newly formed coal and start smashing it into a fine powder. This will make it easier to work with and give you a more consistent end product. Plus, it's a great way to relieve stress.

Mix It, Baby

Now that you have your crushed coal, it's time to mix it with some other elements. Who knows what kind of crazy concoctions you might come up with. It's like being a mad scientist, but without the explosions (hopefully).

Don't Be Ashamed

Sometimes things don't go as planned. Maybe your pressure was too high or you didn't add enough heat. But don't be ashamed of your failed attempts! Making coal is a learning process, and every failure is just one step closer to success. So, keep trying, and don't give up!

Coal in Your Stocking

It's the holiday season, and what better way to spread some cheer than by giving out homemade coal as gifts? Just make sure your friends and family have a good sense of humor. And if they don't, well, that's their loss.

Put It to Work

Now that you have created coal, it's time to put it to work. Use it in some other Little Alchemy recipes to see how it interacts with other elements. Who knows what kind of crazy combinations you might come up with. It's like being a chef, but instead of food, you're making something much more exciting.

Rinse and Repeat

As with any good science experiment, it's important to keep trying. Try different rocks, different levels of pressure, and different heat sources until you find the perfect combination for making coal. And when you do, take a moment to bask in your success. You deserve it! So, get back to digging and let's make some coal!

How to Make Coal in Little Alchemy

The Ingredients

To make coal in Little Alchemy, you'll need two basic elements: fire and wood. Fire can be made by combining air and energy, while wood can be created by combining tree and tool.

The Process

Now that you have your ingredients, it's time to start the process of making coal. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Create fire by combining air and energy.
  2. Create wood by combining tree and tool.
  3. Combine fire and wood to create charcoal.
  4. Combine charcoal and pressure to make coal.

And voila! You've successfully made coal in Little Alchemy.

My Point of View

Now, let me tell you, making coal in Little Alchemy is not as easy as it seems. I mean, where on earth are you going to find a combination of air and energy? And don't even get me started on how to create pressure!

But alas, after hours of trial and error, I finally figured out the secret formula to make coal. And let me tell you, it was a proud moment for me. I felt like I had just discovered the cure for a rare disease!

In Conclusion

Making coal in Little Alchemy may seem like an impossible task, but with the right ingredients and a little bit of patience, it can be done. So go ahead and give it a try! And who knows, maybe one day you'll be the one sharing your secret formula with others.


  • Coal
  • Little Alchemy
  • Fire
  • Wood
  • Charcoal
  • Pressure

That's How You Make Coal...Seriously?

Well, folks, we've come to the end of our little alchemy journey. We've explored the depths of the elements and found ways to combine them to create new substances. And now, we've finally reached the endgame - coal.

It may seem a bit anticlimactic, but hey, that's just the way the alchemical cookie crumbles. But before we bid adieu to our trusty little alchemy board, let's take a moment to reflect on what we've learned.

First and foremost, we've learned that sometimes the most mundane and seemingly boring things can be the most essential. Coal may not be as flashy as gold or silver, but it's still an incredibly important substance that has shaped human history in countless ways.

We've also learned that the path to achieving our goals isn't always a straight line. Sometimes we have to take roundabout routes, combining disparate elements in unexpected ways, to get where we want to go.

And lastly, we've learned that even the most complex and mysterious processes can be broken down into simple steps. It may take some experimentation and a few failed attempts, but eventually, with enough persistence and patience, we can achieve anything.

So, what's next for us alchemists? Well, that's up to you. Maybe you'll continue to experiment and see what other substances you can create. Or maybe you'll take a break and explore some other areas of science or art or whatever else strikes your fancy.

Whatever you do, though, don't forget the lessons you've learned here. Keep pushing boundaries, keep exploring new ideas, and most importantly, keep having fun.

And with that, I think it's time to put away our beakers and flasks for now. Until next time, fellow alchemists!

How To Make Coal In Little Alchemy: People Also Ask

What is Little Alchemy?

Little Alchemy is a game that lets you experiment with elements to create new combinations and discover new items. It's a fun and addictive game that can keep you entertained for hours.

Can you make coal in Little Alchemy?

Yes, you can make coal in Little Alchemy. Coal is one of the most essential elements in the game, and it's necessary to create various other items.

How do you make coal in Little Alchemy?

Making coal in Little Alchemy is easy! Here are the steps:

  1. Step 1: Combine fire and wood to create charcoal.
  2. Step 2: Combine charcoal and pressure to create coal.

Is it possible to make coal without wood?

No, it's not possible to make coal without wood. Wood is an essential element in creating charcoal, which is a precursor to coal.

Can you make diamonds in Little Alchemy?

Yes, you can make diamonds in Little Alchemy. Diamonds are made by combining coal and pressure. So, if you want to get rich in the game, start making coal!


So, there you have it! Making coal in Little Alchemy is easy and fun. Just remember that you need wood to make it, and once you've made it, you can use it to create other items like diamonds. Have fun experimenting with different combinations, and see what you can come up with!